Saturday 7 September 2024

They tunnel through the rock; their eyes see all its treasures. – Job 28:10

Today's Scripture Reading (September 7, 2024): Job 28

I was listening to a podcast recently where the speaker argued, "God has created a mature earth." It immediately revealed the person's theology. This person was likely a young earther. The idea of "Young Earth Theology" is that our world looks much older than it is. In his wisdom, God has hidden secrets and mysteries inside our world. He has even placed dinosaur bones there, a surprise that points toward mysterious animals that never really lived. Inside the world are precious stones, minerals, and things that we need to survive; all there waiting for us because God has made it all for us.

I admit I am skeptical. But I am also not sure whether you believe in a young or old earth really matters. Whether you are a young earther or an old earther, like me, it doesn't change the reality that this world contains the things that we need beneath its surface. Under the stone and the dirt are the things we require to make our contemporary world function. And it doesn't matter if God placed these secrets in a young earth or if he created the dinosaurs and ancient life; these secrets are the natural result of the formation of the planet and the life that has existed here much longer than man has walked this planet. Either way, everything is God-created and breathed, and humans are the only ones with the key to unlock the secrets hidden in our world. We are the only ones who can tunnel through the rock to get at the hidden secrets. No matter how powerful a bird of prey's eyesight might be, it cannot see within the rock. Regardless of the powerful limbs an animal might use to dig through the dirt; it can't tunnel through meters of solid rock. And no animal could understand what to do with the secrets hidden within the earth even if they could find it. That is a privilege reserved for humans.

And so, Job speaks to the efforts we are willing to make in our search for these secrets. We are eager to go to the ends of the earth and dig through rock, hoping to expose the riches buried deep under the surface of this world.

Tomorrow's Scripture Reading: Job 29

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