Friday 20 September 2024

Can you make a pet of it like a bird or put it on a leash for the young women in your house? – Job 41:5

Today's Scripture Reading (September 20, 2024): Job 41

Their names were Cooper and Bear. The pair lived next door and became my friends as soon as they arrived. Cooper and Bear always seemed excited when I arrived home from wherever I was. And often, they came running over to greet me. I came to love Cooper and Bear, even though they did not belong to me. You probably have already guessed that Cooper and Bear were dogs, Boxers, and I have known both of them since they were pups.

As it turned out, both Cooper and Bear suffered through significant health challenges as they grew older, and yet that didn't seem to dampen their enthusiasm and spirit every time we came into contact with each other. They often found their way to the deck at the back of my home if they got out of their yard. They seemed to love exploring this world normally on the other side of the fence. And they would often roll over, inviting me to scratch their bellies.

Not every animal makes a good pet. Some because the animals simply can't be domesticated and remain dangerous even if we think they are tame. Others are not suitable because they don't react well to captivity. But an animal that makes a good pet can bring joy to its owner and anyone who has frequent contact with it.

The Leviathan, whatever it might have been, was not a tamable animal. It could not be domesticated and remained a threat to anyone nearby. No one could put a leash on it and make it safe. Yet, even the Leviathan was the creation of God. He was safe from its effects.

I miss my friends Cooper and Bear. Cooper passed away from cancer a couple of years ago. Bear met a similar fate just last month. But the Leviathan could never live in harmony with the human race. It was a threat, one that Job was unsure how to handle. Instead, he had to lean on the wisdom of God for a solution. And now God reminds Job that his power was so much more than that of Job that he could do what Job was incapable of doing. He could even turn the Leviathan into his pet.

Tomorrow's Scripture Reading: Job 42

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