Monday 16 September 2024

He says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth,' and to the rain shower, 'Be a mighty downpour.' – Job 37:6

Today's Scripture Reading (September 16, 2024): Job 37

I love the summer season. Where I live, summer is short, so I want to make the most out of every moment. I love enjoying the outdoors, riding a bike, or just reading a book beneath a tree. Sometimes, it rains, but I have to admit that I hope that those days will always be few. This year, I spent a few weeks in a small community with a lovely beach. And the sun shone every day we were there; one day was as beautiful as the next.

Of course, that whole idea is more than a little selfish. Rain has to fall if the crops are to grow and if the reservoirs will be filled with the life-giving water we need to live. Several communities not far from where I live have existed under a water rationing protocol for most of the summer, partially because of the lack of rain that has fallen over the summer months. We need the rain to fall.

For a lot of the year, the sun shines, but it doesn't have the power to warm the earth. Snow falls and has to be dealt with. Shovels are brought out of storage, and snow blowers are purchased, all to clear a path for people to make their way around the city. Sometimes, the piles of snow at the sides of driveways, or even on the meridian that separates the two directions of traffic, are piled higher than an average person. It is not my favorite time of year. But even the snow is beneficial. Like the rain in the summer, a winter with a generous volume of snow helps the farmers and fills the water reservoirs depended on by urban dwellers.    

Rain and snow are both blessings sent to us by God. Without them, the farmer can't do his work, and the community can't be fed. We have advanced in our technology since the time of Job. We have developed new ways to grow and harvest the crop. We have developed new kinds of seeds that produce even more food. But even with all of our advancements, we still need the rain and the snow to fall.

Elihu is praising God for what he brings to the earth. God speaks, and snow falls. Elihu has no idea how the snow is created or where it comes from, just that we need it and God is willing to give it. During the spring, he sends the rain and assists the seed to grow. The prophet Jeremiah agreed.

'Let us fear the Lord our God,
who gives autumn and spring rains in season,
    who assures us of the regular weeks of harvest' (Jeremiah 5:24).

Tomorrow's Scripture Reading: Job 38

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