Monday 2 September 2024

Is not God in the heights of heaven? And see how lofty are the highest stars! – Job 22:12

Today's Scripture Reading (September 2, 2024): Job 22

Where is God? I get it; he is everywhere, but according to the Bible, isn't that really his Spirit? Doesn't the Bible teach that the Holy Spirit moves through us, convicting us of sin? God is on his throne in heaven, and Jesus said that he was going there to prepare a place for us. So, I return to the question I started with: where is God?

I know, it is somewhat an unfair question. I posed the question a few years ago to a friend who believed the Bible must be taken literally. And he was sure that God was in heaven, which he defined as being up. In this case, I asked my follow-up question. Suppose I ask the same question in twelve hours: where will he be? And the answer was the same: up, even though, in twelve hours, up will be in an entirely different direction.

It is a caution of which we all need to be aware. The Bible was written for people who did not have the scientific knowledge of this world that we have now. For Job, he lived in a three-tiered world in which heaven was up, hell was down, and we lived in the space between these two realities. The stars were nothing more than holes in a curtain, giving us a glimpse of the heaven that existed behind that curtain. This was how Job thought the world worked. It was a model that made sense to Job, even if it doesn't make sense to us, or maybe even if it doesn't make sense to me.

But that doesn't mean that heaven doesn't exist and that this Bible we read faithfully isn't true. It was truth tailored for Job, and it is a truth that is still present for us. God still exists behind the curtain; we just know that the curtain has moved. Heaven might not be up or down. I can't answer that question. But like Job and his friends, I am sure that heaven exists and that Jesus has gone to that place to prepare a place for us.

Someday, this struggle will end. I follow a Facebook page dedicated to Neil deGrasse Tyson. The page often posts anti-religious messages or makes fun of Christianity. One response from a follower was to a comment on the page: "There is no god, so grow up." But one day, the page posted a message about the idea that energy can never be destroyed; it can only change form. The idea this atheist page gave to its readers was that when you die, the essential energy that is you does not disappear, but it changes and goes somewhere. As I read the post, I was speechless. Here, this atheist site that has been an antagonist to all who believe in Jesus was saying precisely what we have always said. At some point, we will all move behind the curtain, wherever that curtain might be. And that idea is consistent with science, even if scientists tend to say it differently.

Tomorrow's Scripture Reading: Job 23

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