Thursday 26 September 2024

But Abram said, "Sovereign LORD, what can you give me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascus?" – Genesis 15:2

Today's Scripture Reading (September 26, 2024): Genesis 15

The idea of "childless cat ladies" has taken hold of the American imagination. The concept originates with Vice-Presidential candidate J. D. Vance, who argued that the Democratic party is made up of women who are childless and, therefore, have no stake in the future of the country. From Vance's point of view, only people with children care about what happens tomorrow. The rest are childless cat ladies, maybe even if they are men.

The concept of the "childless cat lady" with no ties to the future is patently false. I have known many "childless cat ladies." And in every situation, in my experience, they were wonderful people. And these people are childless for a diverse set of reasons. Some were childless because life's circumstances made them that way. Others had remained childless because of choice. But every one of them cared about the planet and the future of the human race.

At this point in time, Abram is just another male "childless cat lady." God has blessed him and has been faithful with everything he promised Abram, except for one thing: Abram still does not have a family. But that doesn't mean he has no stake in the future. However, one thing that does concern Abraham is that all of his wealth will go to Eliezer of Damascus. Eliezer is a good man, but he is not Abram's son.

Abram brings his petition to God. He hopes that his childless state will end. Abram desperately wants a child who will inherit all the ways the Patriarch has been blessed. But he knows that, ultimately, that decision is no longer his. If he has a child, the child will be born at the will of God, not his. The child would have been born long ago if it were up to Abram.

I owe a lot to some "childless cat ladies" in my life. They have invested in me and, as a result, in the future of the human race. And I want to pay forward their investment in the future. But more than that, I know men and women with children who seem to disregard what the future might hold. It is not children that provide us with an anchor for the future. It is something else; I think it is a matter of character. These future-focused people possess a character that sees the future as something designed to be passed on to the next generation, as well as a hope that tomorrow will be even better than today because God has placed us in it. We will bring his blessings to a world that has yet to be born.

Tomorrow's Scripture Reading: Genesis 16

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