Saturday 10 August 2024

When Noah awoke from his wine and found out what his youngest son had done to him, he said, "Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers." - Genesis 9:24-25

Today's Scripture Reading (August 10, 2024): Genesis 9

I have an unpopular message. It involves our growing reliance on drugs. The legalization of marijuana has only complicated the societal landscape. Our message seems to be that the legalization of marijuana, as well as the legal status of alcohol, means that these substances are safe. But that is not entirely true. There is a constructive use for these substances when we use them moderately, but few use them that way. Regular use of marijuana is linked to growing paranoia and a feeling of helplessness. Drug use also increases depression and wreaks havoc with goal setting, all of which can become a cycle in our lives. We get depressed and find escape in the substances around us, which alleviates our depression in the moment but makes us more depressed and in need of more drugs to survive the next day.

Drugs and alcohol also tend to place us in vulnerable positions. According to some statistics, half of all rapes involve the use of alcohol by either the perpetrator or the victim, or both. In the United States, alcohol is the contributing factor in 100,000 deaths every year. Alcohol and drug abuse cost the nation over 100 billion dollars every year. Fiscal hounds look for ways that we can balance both private and national budgets every year, but decreasing the amount of drug use is often overlooked as a possible solution to our societal fiscal woes.

The story of Noah and Ham has always confused me. Noah got drunk, and, in his drunkenness, Ham saw him naked. It was a circumstance that didn't seem severe enough to necessitate the penalty that followed. If all Ham did was accidentally walk into the presence of his drunk father and see his father's nakedness, how could Ham be blamed for that? We are missing something in the story. There seem to be some key details that are missing from the tale.

One of the theories is that Noah got drunk, naked, and left himself in a vulnerable state. Ham didn't just see his father naked; he, and probably his son, Canaan, decided to take advantage of Noah in some way. Maybe they made the drunk Noah part of their evening entertainment. And when the entertainment was finished, instead of covering their father up, they went away telling the story, spreading Noah's embarrassment.

As a result of their abuse of Noah, Ham and Canaan became the subject of the curse of their father and grandfather.

Tomorrow's Scripture Reading: Genesis 10

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