Monday 20 May 2024

In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will. - Ephesians 1:11

Today's Scripture Reading (May 20, 2024):  Ephesians 1

I remember the art of picking teams in grade school for some sports contest. I was one of the lucky ones. I was seldom chosen first, but I was also usually not picked last. I was picked somewhere in the middle of the pack, and I was okay with that position on the field. The worst moment for some kids came at the end of the process. At this point, someone often said something like, "I don't want them; you can have them." Sometimes, these players could be a surprise. I remember one pick-up football game (not soccer) where a girl was picked last, and she deserved her position for most of the game. She wouldn't do anything; she just stood there. Finally, the other team decided simply to ignore her. I wanted to get her involved in the game. So, I told her to stand beside me, and when the players ran out to run their routes, I was going to pass the ball to her, and I just wanted her to run downfield as far as she could until someone touched her. The first part of the plan went perfectly; all of the players on both sides ran away from us, and I tossed the ball to this girl, who had some empty space through which she could run. That is when the surprise came. This girl could run. She made her way down the field, juking one way and then the other, and no one on the other team could touch her. She ran the length of the field, scoring a touchdown,  leaving me asking why she hadn't shown some of that potential earlier in the game.

Paul tells the Ephesians that they were chosen. Not only were they selected, but they were also predestined according to His plan. God has a purpose for them. There was something that they were called to do. 

We often misunderstand what predestination means. For some, it means that we are determined to be either Christians or sinners by God's choice before we were born or even before we were conceived. But that doesn't make any sense. In the opening of his gospel, John says, "There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe" (John 1:6-7). That doesn't sound like somehow God has worked out which of us are going to heaven and who is destined for hell.

Others think that God knows which of us will accept his offer of life and who will refuse the offer, and while that may be true, I don't find that much better than destining some for heaven and others for hell. I see God here telling us that each of us is predestined according to his plan for a job that only we can do. I believe that God keeps pouring out his blessing at every stage and in all the circumstances of our lives as he continues to supply us with his predestined purpose, all of this according to his plan.

We can also stop the blessing as we continue through our lives. I think this happens more often than we realize. Whether it is a lack of faith, a lack of trust, or whether we just have a predetermined way of how God will respond in certain situations and refuse to adjust to his will in our lives, we put a stop to the blessing of God. For whatever reason, we shut ourselves off from the blessings of God while we keep doing the work we think he is asking of us. Our attitude is that we can do this in our power. And it doesn't take long for our tanks to drain.

The result is we burn out. We are still doing the work, but our passion is gone. We complain that our spiritual lives are like empty dry husks. We feel overwhelmed. We must be reminded that God has chosen us for a purpose at every stage of our life. But we also depend on his blessing to do the job he has called us to do. 

Tomorrow's Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2

Personal Note: Happy Birthday to my wonderful daughter-in-law, Michelle. I hope you have a great day!

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