Sunday 19 May 2024

He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance! – Acts 28:31

Today's Scripture Reading (May 19, 2024):  Acts 28

Have you ever wanted to play an instrument? The desire to play alone will never make you a musician. You must pick up the instrument and play it at some point. As a child, I kept on changing instruments. My first instrument was the piano. I spent a few years playing it but never had a passion for the eighty-eights (a piano has eighty-eight keys). A few years later, I switched to the guitar. I loved to play the guitar, but during my teen years, I was in a band in school with four guitarists and no one to play the bass. I remember the day the teacher asked if anyone wanted to switch to bass. I thought, why not? I switched to playing the bass guitar.

For the next few years, I played bass. For a while, I played nothing. Please don't ask me to play piano; I can't. Oh, sometimes, on an afternoon when my wife isn't around, and I need to know what a song sounds like, I will sit down at a piano and plunk out the notes, but it isn't music. It seems I should be able to pick up the bass and play as I used to, but I can't. I play occasionally, but nothing comes out that is of the caliber as what I hear from our band's regular bassists. Today, I spend most of my instrumental time playing my guitar. If you want to learn the guitar or any other instrument, the best advice I can give you is never to put the instrument in its case unless you are carrying it somewhere. Leave it out where you will pick it up and play it as often as you can.

Every Gospel in the Bible ends with a rephrasing of the Great Commission, the command to go and make disciples. Too often, we make excuses about why we can't go; God hasn't gifted me in that way, or maybe I don't have time. However, the secret is never to put your Christianity away. As you go, tell the story and play the music of genuine Christianity. I love this summary of the Four Gospels versions of the Great Commission.

You can't keep the secret of the kingdom to yourselves. I am now sending you, as the Father sent me, to communicate the good news of the kingdom of God. Those who receive your message, form them into learning communities of practicing disciples so they learn to live according to my secret message, just as you are learning. You should not do this in your own power, but you must rely on the power of the Holy Spirit. And you shouldn't stop at the borders of your own culture, socio-economic status, race, language, or religion. Cross every border and boundary to share with all people everywhere the secret you've learned from me – the way, the truth, the life you've experienced walking with me.

The sad thing is that we often forget the story and lose the melody. People have to rise up and teach it to us once again. God repeatedly provides people like Paul, Martin Luther, John Wesley, C.S. Lewis, and Mother Teresa to bring us back and help us sing the melody of Jesus Christ one more time.

Tomorrow's Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1

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