Tuesday 7 May 2024

By all this we are encouraged. In addition to our own encouragement, we were especially delighted to see how happy Titus was, because his spirit has been refreshed by all of you. – 2 Corinthians 7:13

Today's Scripture Reading (May 7, 2024):  2 Corinthians 7

As a young adult, I came into contact with someone who really wasn't a very nice person. He was mean and lied continually, but his falsehoods were always accompanied by a smile. And the reality was that you probably liked him if you didn't know him. And I know this because I was one of those who had liked him at one time, but the more you got to know him, the more you wanted nothing to do with him. In the end, he brought several lies to my boss's attention and tried to get me fired, all while insisting that that was not what he was doing. This person was the source of numerous stressful days and sleepless nights.

Because of my interaction with this person, I have to admit that, for a while, I immediately reacted to anyone who even looked like him. There was even a popular television show at the time that I couldn't watch because one of the actors reminded me of this person. Irrational? Definitely, but for a while, that was my life. At times, it was like having a bad case of post-traumatic stress disorder. And even now, many years later, I feel sick just remembering those days.

I don't think that I handled him or those years well. And I know that my failure during this era caused me problems later. I made decisions that I probably shouldn't have made, all because of the memory of this person and the things that he did to me.

Why this confession? Partially, the confession is because I don't think that my experience is in any way unique. I believe that all of us have suffered in some way because of people in our lives like this person, and maybe you have more than one person in your life who has caused you problems. Perhaps you just need to know that you are not alone.

Not only is this a reality in our lives, but it also seems that Titus had a similar experience in Corinth. Paul likely wrote at least four letters to the Corinthian Church, but two of those letters have been lost. The two letters we have in our Bibles are the second and fourth of the ones that Paul wrote. And between the second and third letters, Paul and Titus made a visit to Corinth that did not go very well. As a result, when Titus left the city, he did so with a bad taste in his mouth about the Corinthians. As far as Titus was concerned, the Corinthians Church was a lost cause.

Paul told Titus that Paul would write a strongly worded letter informing the Corinthians of their sin, and Paul believed they would react positively to that letter. (This would have been the missing third letter from Paul to the Corinthians.) Titus remained unconvinced that any actions would change the Corinthians. However, Paul's letter did work, and as a result, the Corinthians repented of their sins, restoring Titus's faith in the Corinthian church. The repentance by the Corinthians had made Titus happy, and Paul was pleased, wanting the Corinthians to know how they had refreshed his associate's spirit.

Tomorrow's Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 8 & 9

Personal Note: Happy Birthday to my Son, Craig.

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