Tuesday 7 April 2020

… yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior. – Habakkuk 3:18

Today's Scripture Reading (April 7, 2020): Habakkuk 3

Most of life is a choice. I reject the fatalistic thought that God has created this world with a set plot, much like Shakespeare created the plays that he wrote. I don't understand assertions that somehow all of history has already been written. As a result, all that is left for us is to play out the drama that is set before us. Whether you are a hero or villain, it ultimately has nothing to do with you. All you or I can do is play the part that we have been created to perform. I have heard the theology taught, but I do not understand how any of this could honor God. He has not created us as automatons who are unable to make a choice. From the very beginning, he has created us with the ability to choose. We make choices for or against him, as well as a myriad of other decisions that we make every day.

Habakkuk finishes a very heartfelt prayer with a message about a choice. Despite the outward circumstances of his life, he declares that he will choose to rejoice and be joyful because he knows that God is present in his life. It is a message that I wish more people sitting in the pews of our churches could take to heart. Regardless of what might be happening outside, whether there is an enemy that is preparing to invade or a virus that is causing havoc within our societies, we have within us the ability to be positive. We know that whatever the outside situation might be, God is with us.

As Christians, we do not just celebrate Emmanuel at Christmas time. God is always with us. He is there through bad health and no employment. He has promised to be with us when everything around us seems to have been thrown into confusion. God is with us, always. And we shouldn't need to know anything else to be joyful.

When everything is going wrong, remember Jesus's words. "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28:20). And because of this, we can choose to rejoice.

Tomorrow's Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 11

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