Tuesday 28 April 2020

But the people of Israel are not willing to listen to you because they are not willing to listen to me, for all the Israelites are hardened and obstinate. – Ezekiel 3:7

Today's Scripture Reading (April 28, 2020): Ezekiel 3

I try to work hard to listen to those who believe differently than I do (although I recognize that sometimes that is doubted by those who voice opposing positions in my presence). The truth is that it takes effort to hear things with which we disagree. And usually, our, and my immediate response is to voice what it is that we believe. But while we might offer a dissenting opinion, with effort, we can continue to consider the arguments presented long after the discussion has finished. But it takes effort. The more likely scenario is that we declare what we believe along with victory that our belief is the right one and that the other is deceived, or maybe unbalanced, or just a loser.

Early on in my career, a mentor encouraged me to talk about what I know rather than what I believe. But often during a discussion, declaring that I know something is akin to declaring victory and stating that I don't care about what it might be that the other believes. And that is a dangerous discussion ender. So, I work hard at stating what I believe and what I think, rather than what I know. The truth is that what I can honestly declare that I know is precious little. I am not sure that I know the answer to many of the hot button issues that seem to be the topics of many Christian conversations. I have my opinions and what I believe and what I think, but on many of those issues, I am very hesitant to declare what I know.

What am I willing to say that I know? Let me quote from the words of Job.

I know that my redeemer lives,
    and that in the end he will stand on the earth.  
And after my skin has been destroyed,
    yet in my flesh I will see God;
I myself will see him
    with my own eyes—I, and not another.
    How my heart yearns within me! (Job 19:25-27)!

This, I know. And pretty much all else is up for discussion. You might even be able to change my mind.

God speaks to Ezekiel and reminds him that it is not because of him that the people refuse to listen. They have already rejected God. They have declared their victory over God and moved in a different direction, and so as long as Ezekiel carries God's message to the people, they will refuse to listen to him. Their minds have been made up, and they are not willing to consider Ezekiel's position or the God that Ezekiel worships. But that is not Ezekiel's fault. It is the fault of the people who have closed their minds to a dissenting opinion.

It is something, I believe, of which we all need to be aware. Rather than declaring our victory and shutting our minds, we need to listen to those with whom we disagree. And then, carefully with the power of the Holy Spirit, consider the argument and come to a place where we are willing to say we believe. But at the same time, always leaving room for God to move within us, just in case we might be wrong about what it is that we declare.

Tomorrow's Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 4

Personal Note: Happy 2nd Birthday to my grandson, James. I am sure, being my grandson, that he is already reading my blog.                                                               

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