Monday 6 May 2019

Listen to my words, LORD, consider my lament. – Psalm 5:1

Today’s Scripture Reading (May 6, 2019): Psalm 4 & 5

Dr. Ralph Nichols, the founder of the “International Listening Association,’ argued that “the most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.” We all need to be heard. But as I look at the people in my life, I often see a vicious cycle that takes place. The people who need to be heard the most, are usually the very ones who refuse to listen to those around them. They feel that they aren’t being heard, and so they do not listen. As a result, those to whom they are speaking to think that they are not being heard, and so they, in turn, stop listening. The result is that there is a lot of talking, but very little understanding. And so our hurt grows until our pain seems unbearable. And the first step back to health is to begin listening and, in the process, to start to be heard.

There is a similar give and take when it comes to our communication with God. The idea of prayer is not confined only to our words directed at God. Prayer also includes our willingness to listen and understand when God speaks to us, whether those words are conveyed to us through the words of the Bible, the counsel of other Saints, or even the still small voice that rises from the deepest parts inside of us. We need to be willing to hear the words that emanate from God if we want him to listen to the words that we speak to him.

The Psalmist asks God to listen to his words and consider his lament. At this moment, the Psalmist needs to be heard and understood, especially by the one who had the power to change his circumstances. The question that needs to be answered is whether the Psalmist was also willing to listen to God’s voice speaking to him. Because true understanding, whether it is between God and us or in our social groups, only happens if we are all willing to listen.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Psalm 6

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