Thursday 4 July 2024

These people are blemishes at your love feasts, eating with you without the slightest qualm—shepherds who feed only themselves. They are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind; autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted—twice dead. – Jude 1:12

Today's Scripture Reading (July 4, 2024): Jude 1

A pastor of a relatively large church tells the story of being out for a drive on his way to pick up something when he inadvertently cut someone off in traffic. It was one of those oops moments that we all got into. Well, at least I know that I have been there. The first reaction is usually anger on the side of the one wronged, or in this case, cut off. The Pastor smiled and raised his hands, a universal sign of my bad. Then the one he had cut off raised his hand in a one-finger salute, the universal sign of "you're an idiot." After the hand signal, the offended started to lay on the horn, impressing the depth of his hurt upon the Pastor. But then, he changes lanes and speeds by the Pastor. On the back of his car is a bumper sticker, and it just happens that the Bumper Sticker is from the Pastor's Church.

Up ahead, there is a traffic light, and the Pastor decides that he is going to have a little talk with the "give your pastor the bird" driver. He pulls up beside the offended driver, rolls down his window, and says, "God is good." The guy in the other car begrudgingly looks at the Pastor and gives the universal churchgoing response, "All the time." Now the oops was on the other side.

Here it is. Because of our actions, we often give God the universal one-finger salute. If we were speaking the truth directly to God, our words would likely be, "I know what you say, but this is what I think about your commands." In the process, we become the blemishes at the love feast.

I don't often admit I am a bad person. The problem is that we always see this in comparison with someone else. I might be bad, but he is worse, or her issues are more significant than mine. Have you lied? Have you stolen? (If you haven't tithed on all of your income, the Bible says that you are stealing from God.) Have you taken the Lord's name in vain, causing God's name to be covered with shame? Have you ever had a lustful thought? The Bible says that a lustful thought is the same as adultery. In the eyes of God, you are a lying, thieving, blasphemous adulterer.

The second truth is this: God is willing to forgive us. But we have to be willing to receive this forgiveness. To do that, we must admit that we know who we are and that we can use an upgrade; we need God's grace and mercy.

Otherwise, we are nothing more than blemishes on the church. 

Tomorrow's Scripture Reading: 1 John 1

Happy Independence Day, U.S.A.

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