Tuesday 16 July 2024

For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can withstand it? – Revelation 6:17

Today's Scripture Reading (July 16, 2024): Revelation 6

It happened on a Sunday afternoon radio program in 1950. A group of scientists were discussing the development of a hydrogen bomb. And on this radio show, the central message seemed to be, you thought that the atomic bomb was powerful, the hydrogen bomb would be even more powerful. No city in the world would be able to withstand the blast. At the time of this radio program, the hydrogen bomb was still in development. It had not been built yet. But these scientists were sure that it would be built, and not only that but it would be built by the United States and also by Russia. It was the early days of the first Cold War, and nothing struck fear into the hearts of the West better than to know that their enemy would soon have the most potent weapon in the world in their possession. Soon, these weapons would also be in the hands of minor powers who would use them or threaten to use them for their varied purposes. All in all, it was a weighty topic for a Sunday afternoon radio show in 1950.

But near the end of the show, one of the scientists suggested that, with a minor tweak and the inclusion of a fairly common substance, the hydrogen bomb could be transformed from a weapon capable of leveling any city in the world into a weapon that would eradicate the entire world. With a minor tweak to this weapon that had not yet been built, anyone possessing the weapon could destroy all life on the planet. The substance that needed to be added was cobalt.

Cobalt in a mixed form has been known to the human race from the third millennium B.C.E. (2000-3000 B.C.E.). It is found in Egyptian sculpture and Persian jewelry. But no one guessed that such an innocent element, when added to a hydrogen bomb, would end life on the planet. It wasn't that it would make the blast more powerful, but adding cobalt would allow a toxic dust to be distributed through the earth, making life impossible. No one could withstand such a weapon. The information revealed on that radio show in 1950 caused panic among North American listeners. Was it possible that anyone with a plan could end the world?

After the sixth seal is opened, an earthquake strikes and the people run to hide in the caves and among the rocks. They pray that the rocks will fall on them, hiding them from the wrath of God. Then John asks an important question. The great day of God's wrath had come upon them, and if that is true, who can withstand it?

The answer, of course, is no one. We can't stand against God; we never could. And even with all of our technological advances, we still can't withstand the wrath of God. It was the point John was trying to make to his audience. Jesus said there was only one way to Father; John saw the reality of that statement. As his vision progresses, John asks, "Who can withstand God's wrath?" The answer is no one. And that is why we all need Jesus.

Tomorrow's Scripture Reading: Revelation 7

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