Tuesday 17 October 2023

"Come," each one cries, "let me get wine! Let us drink our fill of beer! And tomorrow will be like today, or even far better." – Isaiah 56:12

Today's Scripture Reading (October 17, 2023): Isaiah 56

I admit that you are unlikely to see me standing on a street corner holding a sign that says, "The End is Near." Every time someone announces that the end of the world is just around the corner, I am skeptical. And it seems that the world's end is prophesied as happening with almost every year that passes us by. At some point, the prognosticators are bound to be correct. Eventually, this planet will go through a catastrophic event, and all life on Earth will end. It might happen tomorrow, or it might happen a few billion years from now. But at some point, it will happen. Maybe we will be here to experience it, but it is just as possible that we will have gone on from life on our blue marble long before this world gives up its last gasp.

As we enter the last quarter of 2023, it may be appropriate to examine how the world is supposed to end this year. And it is quite a list. First, the Earth is predicted to be knocked out of its orbit around the sun and become a wandering planet throughout the universe, leaving the welcoming warmth of the sun due to a nuclear incident, whether at the command of some lunatic or because of an accident. Therefore, life on our planet ends in the cold embrace of space. At the same time, there will be a massive solar storm, big enough to destroy Earth's magnetosphere, exposing the planet's inhabitants to enough space radiation to destroy life on our planet.

And, as if that is not enough, before this year ends there is supposed to be an alien invasion, not one of benevolent visitors who want to help us out of the predicament caused by a nuclear accident and an overwhelming solar storm, but an attack of bloodthirsty monsters that want nothing more than to destroy the life on this planet for their own entertainment. Apparently, it will be an exciting two and a half months.

But Isaiah suggests that this world will end, not because of any of these predicted events, but because of our apathy and the belief that we can drink our life away, thinking that tomorrow will be just like today and that the end will never come.

I don't believe that we should go on believing that the end won't come, so eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow will be even better. Life on this planet will end at some point, but I agree with Isaiah; the end is much more likely to come because of our apathy than it is to end because of bloodthirsty monsters from space.

The truth is that this life is supposed to be lived as if today was the last day. We are never to assume that there is a tomorrow, and so, for today, we do our best to honor what God expects from us. If he gives us the gift of tomorrow, we will do the same again, not because the world is ending, but because it is what our God has asked us to do.

Tomorrow's Scripture Reading: Isaiah 57

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