Monday 27 February 2012

“Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man. – Genesis 9:6

Today’s Scripture Reading (February 27, 2012): Genesis 9

The law of the Hebrew Bible has come to be summarised with the words “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” The idea is that we pay exactly what we take. There is no forgiveness available, and no grace that can be given. Just a payment for what is taken. The idea behind the law seems to be that if we are unwilling to give it away in our lives, then we shouldn’t be willing to take it from theirs. This is the earliest form of justice. And, to be honest, it is the basis of some of our most famous feuds – feuds that have been based on the desire to even the score.

Interestingly enough, it wasn’t the outcome that God demanded of Cain at the scene of the first murder. The “eye for an eye” system may have simply been chosen for the earliest law based societies because it is easier to practice and would protect the perpetrator from someone taking more from them than the crime warranted. We still practice a justice system that is based on limits and appropriate sentences – or sentences that fit the crime. It is an ancient idea.

But what we often seem to miss is the reason why. We would probably say it was because of the inherent value of human life. But God reveals here that the value of human life is solely based on the fact that we are created in the image of God. And this comes to be the basis for all of the law.

We are created in God’s image. And if we really understand that then it should change both how we see and treat ourselves as well as how we see and treat others. There is no one in our circle of influence that is not created in the image of the creator. It is the common ground on which we all stand. And it is the incredible value that we all bear. It is the reason why Jesus was able to say that whatever you do to the least of these, you have done to me. Because the least of these bear the same image that he did – the image of his Father.

No matter who it is that we come in contact with, or how much they annoy us, they bear the image of God. And they – and we – also possess his value.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Genesis 10

Personal Note: My first Grandchild - Emilina - was born yesterday. If you are interested in seeing a few pictures, they can be seen here

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