Thursday 9 February 2012

May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice. – Psalm 141:2

Today’s Scripture Reading (February 9, 2012): Psalm 141 & 142

I am always intrigued by spiritual experiences that include all of the senses. Worship experiences that include the smell of incense, and the touch of oil or water, the taste of bread or wine, the sound of bells and the sight of art. All have the ability to enhance our worship. And I love it when we find innovative ways of allowing these things to enhance our worship times – and admittedly I don’t find enough ways to utilize them.

But they also present a danger. These items can become a substitute for the essentials of worship. There is a running theme throughout the Bible of the community of God doing exactly that. They wanted to substitute the sacrifice of animals for obedience to God. They wanted to replace a molding of the heart with the keeping of rule. Rule keeping and sacrifice are so much easier than obedience.
The Psalmist reminds the worshipper that incense might be nice in our worship, but to God our rising prayer is his incense. God desires to be in communication with us, our prayer – our praises and petitions – carry a pleasant smell to God. Even the simple act of lifting of our hands indicate our worship and our honor of God.

One of the common elements between prayer and the lifting up of hands is that it acknowledges the existence of the other. In those actions, we come in contact with God and we affirm that we believe in him. It is in that act of faith that God is allowed to move.

A medical missionary that I had the privilege to speak with recently remarked that when he went to Africa he thought that he was bringing with him the medical marvels of the west. Except that they didn’t work as well as he thought they would. But what did was prayer. It was what they expected to work. God moves through our faith, our knowledge that he is there. Our prayers and lifted hands are the start of a faith through which God will move. And we need to see God move.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Psalm 143

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