Thursday 23 February 2012

He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them “man.” – Genesis 5:2

Today’s Scripture Reading (February 23, 2012): Genesis 5

I come from a spiritual tradition that believes in the equality of men and women. Neither group is disqualified from any leadership position simply by virtue of their sex. Both have the aptitude given to them by God to lead. They may perform that task of leadership in different ways, but neither is inferior. In fact, it might be that a good leadership team needs both the male and female perspectives in order to make the best decisions. To move forward in any organization requires the combined mind of both sexes of creation in order to succeed.

So, having been brought up this way, it is a little disconcerting to find out that not everyone in my world agrees with my assessment. For some, the leadership styles of the sexes actually prohibit one of them (women) from leadership positions in the church. Their leadership is considered to be only valid under the direction of a male. And, for me, that is a bit of a foreign idea.

I know that there are a lot of scripture passages that fill the arguments for both sides, but maybe one of the earliest passage to support the side of Egalitarianism (the idea that both sexes are equally qualified for leadership) is found here in Genesis 5:2. It actually looks back at Genesis 1:27 and says that we were both created Man – both the male and the female of creation are needed to make up man. We are literally two of the essential pieces of the puzzle to make up the human race. And the word that is used here is “Adam.” Literally, God created us male and female, and all of us together make up Adam.

It is sometimes considered a redneck trait when we use the term “man” as a universal term to include both sexes. But according to Genesis 5, we are just reflecting the mind of God. We are both created Adam, with all the equality that that suggests.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Genesis 6

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