Monday 11 March 2019

Record my misery; list my tears on your scroll—are they not in your record? – Psalm 56:8

Today’s Scripture Reading (March 11, 2019): Psalm 56

There might have been an ancient practice where the mourner would place the tears that they shed over the death of a person in a small vial or wineskin. The small bottle was called a “tear catcher.” The “tear catcher” would then be placed with the body during the funeral activities. The basis for the practice might have been the belief that the dead should not be mourned since they have just moved on to the next phase of life. The tears might have even been considered to be a barrier to the newly deceased gaining the full experience available in the life that is to come. Yet, when someone we love dies, we naturally cry tears. If the tears are a barrier to the next life, then something has to be done with the tears. The use of “tear catchers” allowed those dangerous tears to be buried with the body, along with the grief of the mourner, allowing the one who died to move on. But all that is left of the practice are rumors that it existed. While placing tears in a bottle is an interesting idea, there is no concrete evidence that the belief was ever followed.

As David writes this Psalm, he is very likely alone and on the run. Separated from his supporters, David is moving from place to place, trying to hide from the very ones who wanted to kill him. Because of the threat to his life, he can’t stay anywhere for too long. His thoughts are likely dark as David grows more and more depressed. And so he sits down and writes a song that he can sing to his God.

I am not sure the New International Version gets this verse right. A better translation, more in keeping with David’s experience and feelings, might be “You know where I go; you place my tears in a bottle (or wineskin) – all is written in your book.” David did not believe that God was against him, but instead, he was assured that no matter where it was that he ran, God knew where he was at any given moment; no matter how many tears David cried in his depression, God knew where the tears fell. It was all written down in the book that God was writing on David.

It is a sentiment that we need to remember. While we often feel alone, that is never really true. It does not matter where we go; no place is hidden from God. And no matter how many tears we cry, God sees and understands our tears. It may be poetic to say that God holds our tears in a bottle, but we wouldn’t expect anything less from the great poet-king. David assures us that God never ignores our tears. God always cares enough to see our tears and remember our pain. 

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 22

Personal Note: Happy Birthday, Dad.

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