Monday 11 April 2016

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. – Psalm 23:5

Today’s Scripture Reading (April 11. 2016): Psalm 23

More than a decade ago I remember taking the Rock Band “Starfield” out for Sunday lunch at Pizza Hut. Now, this was way before they were getting radio play on Christian radio stations, let alone the exposure that they eventually garnered on mainstream radio. At the time, they were just a group of guys from Manitoba. The night before they had played an unplugged concert in my small church and then came on Sunday Morning and they played with some of our worship band. And then lunch before they went on their way. What I remember about the moment was that there was an amazing intimacy around the table. This was not the exalted rock band bends low to meet their fans, it was a group of people just trying to get to know each other and genuinely enjoying each other’s presence. My kids, at the time very young, were the envy of their friends because they got to sit and eat with them. The Neufeld brothers probably don’t have any recollection of that lunch at Pizza Hut, but it is a time that I am unlikely to forget. It has also caused me to take somewhat of a personal interest in the rise of these brothers with whom I had the opportunity to break bread (well, at least, pizza dough).

It is this kind of intimacy that David is talking about with his God. And David is impacted and amazed that God would bother to prepare the table, and invite him into this intimate moment where God and man get to meet. The imagery is almost that of a return to the Garden of Eden. God and man walk together in the garden. Satan is there too, somewhere roaming among the trees, but what does that matter when God steps off of his throne and comes down to meet face to face with his creation. No wonder David says that his cup overflows.

Those moments between us and God seem rare, and yet they shouldn’t be. It is not God who limits them, but our own schedules and the hurry of life. We don’t seem to have time to just sit and enjoy the presence, there are too many things that we need to do, people we need to see and places that we need to go. The business of our lives takes a toll on all of our intimate relationships, but maybe especially the one that we have with God.

But maybe it should be one of our daily goals. To find the time at some point to just sit and enjoy the intimacy that we can have with our God. To have some unhurried time to just be in his presence. And to know that he chooses to spend time with us.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Psalm 25

Personal Note: Happy Birthday to my little sister, Cheri. I hope you have a great day.

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