Tuesday 19 April 2016

They repay me evil for good and leave me like one bereaved. – Psalm 35:12

Today’s Scripture Reading (April 19, 2016): Psalm 35

Martin Luther King once commented, “I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.” King’s own life and death seem to mirror this idea. King’s death at the hands of evil men seemed at the time to be the ultimate example of right being defeated by evil. But the defeat was temporary. Today, King’s ideas have taken root in all areas of our society. Oh, I know that the ultimate triumph of King’s dream still has not been realized, but we are standing closer to that time when all people will be judged by their character rather than the color of their skin, or the sex organs they possess, or the religion that they follow, than we ever have before in the history of this world. Evil has temporarily triumphed over good, but the victory is only temporary. Good in the form of unarmed truth (and we need to let the phrase “unarmed truth” work through our psyche) and unconditional love will stand in the end when all of the designs of evil have already fallen. It was King’s dream, and more and more of us are carrying that dream deep inside of our beings

As with so many of the Psalms, we have no idea exactly what the circumstances were that David was struggling with as he wrote these words. But the internal evidence seems to point toward the days that he struggled with Saul. David had done what was good. He had killed he giant Goliath when no one else in Saul’s army, including the king, had the courage to stand against him. David had become a popular general in the army; he had won decisive battles in defense of his nation. Twice he had been close enough to Saul to kill him, and both times he had stayed his hand because killing the king could never be considered to be morally right. He had fought behind the scenes with Israel’s enemies, sabotaging their efforts to defeat Israel. All of this was good. Yet, Saul continued to pursue him and desired to kill him. If the time came, David knew that Saul would not stay his own hand as David had when the opportunity presented itself for him to kill Saul. And David bemoans the victory of evil.

But we know the rest of the story. The day was coming when Saul would be removed from the throne and David would be placed on it. The day was coming when all that God had promised would become a reality. The day was coming.

I am sure that the day is coming for us as well. We are experiencing setbacks in the dream, but they will be overturned. Rev. King’s dream is still present, and still moving forward. And that day, when that dream is realized, will be the day of ultimate peace for our society. There is no doubt in my mind that King was right. Right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant. And I want to be on the side of right, even when it appears to be defeated. Because in the end, I know that right will win.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Psalm 36

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