Thursday 22 June 2023

Then the word of the LORD came to me: - Ezekiel 14:2

Today's Scripture Reading (June 22, 2023): Ezekiel 14

Evangelism has become a formula rather than the result of a relationship. And I get it; relationships can be challenging, and following a formula is much easier. I have an old book in my library entitled "Scriptures for Soul-Winning." More than one person has come into my office, found the book, and laughed that such a book exists. Maybe that laughter is because it reflects a former way of looking at things. The Bible was once a much-respected book to everyone, whether you were a Christian or not. But those days are gone. The Bible is an unknown book to most of our neighbors, and they have no reason to trust it. So, quoting from it to "save the souls of those around us" doesn't work like it once did. If you are listening to some portions of the contemporary church, the Bible is filled with homophobic passages and commands that abortion is wrong. But the truth is that those are minor topics, at least as measured by the number of verses opposing those activities in the Bible.

The Bible is a story of God's interaction with the human race. There are beautiful stories within its pages. And there are things that I admit I still don't understand. It is a complex book. I have read through its pages several times, yet I still find something I didn't know or understand. And after years of reading and teaching from its pages, it still holds surprises for me.

And sometimes, its revelations are timely. I have never been sold on a formula version of Christianity that includes specific steps that carry you to salvation because I am not convinced that our paths are all the same. God reveals himself in different and deeply personal ways.

The leaders of the Jewish community in exile once more came to Ezekiel. And it seems that God doesn't instruct Ezekiel until the moment that the leaders arrive. The word to Ezekiel is fresh. When Ezekiel begins to speak to these leaders, he has new insight into what is going on in their lives.

Sometimes I wish God would give me more insight as I meet with people. I recently met with a church leader (not from my church) who was upset at the goings on in his church. And as we talked, I asked about what he had done to try to fix the situation. This leader replied that he was waiting for the church to make the first move. My response to this news was that I was skeptical about the success of such a plan. We tend to respond as we always have. If there were going to be a change in the church, he would have to try to model that change in front of the church leaders.

Ezekiel is about to learn that the leaders have set up idol worship in their lives. Ezekiel could accept that as part of living in a foreign land, or he could set the example and let them know that God was not pleased with their behavior. Idol worship was part of the problem back in Canaan, and if they ever wanted to go home, it could not be a problem in Babylon. They had to be willing to listen whenever the word of the Lord came to them through Ezekiel.

Tomorrow's Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 15

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