Monday 29 August 2022

Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them. – Psalm 115:8

Today's Scripture Reading (August 29, 2022): Psalm 115

I have an interesting proposition. Is it possible that we become like the God or gods in whom we believe? As Christians, we dream that we will be remade in the image of Christ. But is it possible that the image of Christ that we envision influences the image in which we are being transformed? And unfortunately, we have proven to be able to be very subjective with our images of God. If we believe that we serve a righteous and just God, then that is what we will be as well, careful to walk the line and keep the rules. If he is a task driver, then we will be task drivers. Those who believe that God hates find it easy to hate others as well.

I have been told that I am a rule keeper, and that is very true. However, I also know that I tend to rebel against the rules that others make. And I have admitted in this blog that I have never liked bullies. Maybe all of this makes my Jesus one who does some of the very same things. Jesus rebelled against the Pharisees, who appeared to be the bullies of Jesus's world. And while being a rule keeper, he also knew when the moment had arrived to break the rules. And the question that I struggle with is this; am I being transformed into that kind of a person because that is the image of God that I have in my life, or because that really is how Christ was when he walked on the earth?

It is one reason I try to discipline myself to read the Bible in different ways. I try to see the Bible through the eyes of those who believe differently. A few weeks ago, someone mentioned, at the time it seemed almost accusingly, that my scripture interpretive key is "Go in love." Over the past few weeks, that phrase has never been far from my mind as I have read my Bible, wondering if there is another interpretive key I should adopt. But my problem, if you can call it that, is that I can't get away from the idea that God really is love. And anyone who is being remade in the image of Christ will be remade in that image of love.

The Psalmist talks about those who serve false gods. They worship idols with mouths that cannot speak, eyes that cannot see, ears that cannot hear, noses that cannot smell, hands that cannot feel, feet that cannot walk, and throats that are silent. And yet, somehow, the followers of these blind and mute gods believe that these handicapped gods can come to their defense.

But the real outcome of following these gods is that their creators and those who choose to follow them will become just like their gods. They will be blind, unfeeling, and silent. It is a curse that rests on all who follow false gods.

I still think I serve a God of love. And until the day that someone convinces me differently, that is the image of God that I want to reflect to the world around me.

Today's Scripture Reading: Psalms 116 & 117

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