Sunday 27 October 2013

… the whole assembly made a covenant with the king at the temple of God. Jehoiada said to them, “The king’s son shall reign, as the LORD promised concerning the descendants of David. – 2 Chronicles 23:3

Today’s Scripture Reading (October 27, 2013): 2 Chronicles 23

Judah was in trouble. For the first time in her history a Queen sat alone on her throne. Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab, the former King of Israel had gained control of the throne of David. And like all of the other Kings of Israel, this Queen was evil. She was bent on changing the religious beliefs of the Kingdom of Judah away from the worship of the God who told Moses that he was “I am,” so that they would be free to commit themselves to the worship of Baal. And in the process, the nation was failing, the people were oppressed, and the future seemed bleak at best.

But Athaliah believed that she was in control. She believed that she had removed all of the possible contenders to the throne. But one contender still remained that Athaliah knew nothing about. He had been a small child on the day that Athaliah had murdered the rest of the family. And the small child had been hidden in the temple apartments. The idea was to that he would be trained by the priests and who would raise him to be king. And so the priests of Yahweh bided their time and suffered under the reign of the Queen from Israel – waiting for the day when the one who had descended from David could be restored to the throne in fulfillment of the prophecy that there would always be a son of David on the throne of Judah.

But the priests could not wait forever. It is possible that the oppression of Athaliah on the nation had reached a pitch where Jehoida, the priest who had been looking after the king’s son, could simply wait no longer. Joash was still a child, it would still be a few years before he would be old enough to reign over the nation on his own, but too much damage would be done if Athaliah was allowed to reign a moment longer.

And so Jehoida calls an assembly. If his plan was going to work, he would need every person that he could find on his side. If the boy was to be protected, the priests and the people would be needed to stand against the Queen. In truth, it was a terrifying plan. The Queen had long convinced the nation that she was the person that was supposed to be on the throne. So Jehoida swore a covenant with the people in front of God reminding them that it was Joash that had the blood of David running through his veins. If the will of God was to be followed, then Joash and the descendants of David would need to be restored to the throne of Judah. And it needed to happen … now.

But the people really didn’t need to be convinced. Athaliah’s mismanagement of the nation had made them ready for the rebellion that would now place a child on the throne of David. The time had come for action, and armed with their covenant made in the Jerusalem Temple, they were sure that God was on their side.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: 2 Chronicles 24

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