Friday 4 October 2013

He made ten gold lampstands according to the specifications for them and placed them in the temple, five on the south side and fie on the north. - 2 Chronicles 4:7

Today’s Scripture Reading (October 4, 2013): 2 Chronicles 4

One of the more touching moments we witnessed as the 2013 Major League Baseball Season drew to a close had to be the final appearance of Mariano Rivera in New York. After retiring four straight batters, Derek Jeter (who was on the disabled list at the time) and Andy Pettite (who was also retiring at the end of the 2013 season) made their way to the mound. Everyone in the stadium knew exactly what was happening. The time had come to say goodbye to Rivera. He had fought the fight and he had finished the race. Rivera sobbed into the shoulder of Pettitte as Jeter spoke the words. No one really heard what Derek Jeter was saying down on the pitcher’s mound, but we all knew the sentiment being expressed. “It’s time to go, Mo.” It is over and you have done a great job – more than anyone could have expected from you. But know it is time to make say your farewell.

Saying goodbye is part of life. Sections of our lives draw to a close while others expand. As emotional as that night was for Rivera, the real sorrow may not hit him until next spring as his body finds its rhythm and wants to get back into training for the coming season, something that has been part of Rivera’s life since his childhood. But now his incredible dream had been realized, but it was also completed. It was time to look forward to something else. But while Rivers’s dream is completed, the New York Yankee dream of world championships continues on – the players may change in the coming seasons, but the dream remains the same.

The national dream for Israel had always been to be a people and a nation of influence on the international stage. During the time of Moses, that influence was represented by a single lampstand formed in such a way that it held seven lamps – 3 on one side and 3 on the other with one lamp in center of the stand. But Moses had long left the playing field, as had Joshua and the Judges – including Samuel, and they were followed by the kings – Saul and David.  The players were leaving the field with their dream complete – and yet the national dream went on.

So the temple is built, and it is grander in design then the tabernacle tent that had gone before. And the players had changed once again, but the national dream still had not changed. Israel still desired to be an influence on the international stage. They wanted their light to shine. And so in the new temple, partially because of the grander circumstances and partially as a symbol of the increased influence, the lampstands were increased from one to ten. According to the Chronicler, the lamp stands were to be built to the same specifications as the one in the tabernacle, but there would be more light to shine – and Israel’s influence was only now becoming what they knew it could be.

For the church, the dream is still there. We want to be a positive influence on this world – in the words of Jesus, we want to be salt and light – changing the world wherever we set our feet.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: 2 Chronicles 5

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