Tuesday 26 May 2015

Arrows do not make it flee; slingstones are like chaff to it. – Job 41:28

Today’s Scripture Reading (May 26, 2015): Job 41

Sperm Whales were mystical animals until probably sometime early in the 18th century. It wasn’t until then that we started to hunt them for the liquid wax that is found in their heads called spermaceti. But, up until then, they were animals that we only encountered when they were far off, and they were beasts that deserved our fear. We never encountered them up close, which was just the way that we wanted it. Even today, the High Finned Sperm Whale that is thought to inhabit the North Atlantic remains an animal of mystery. We have heard the rumors of its existence, we have sat down for the story telling sessions of sailors describing this beast to us, but we have never seen it. We can’t classify it, we don’t know what it really looks like except that it has a high fin “like the mast on a ship.” Does it exist? Many swear that it does, but we can’t prove it.

The Sperm Whale is the largest toothed predator on the earth. It dwarfs the size of almost everything else that lives. Even after we started to hunt the Sperm Whale for it valuable spermaceti, we found out that hunting them was not a job for the weak or the fearful. Our weapons just seemed to have too little effect on the beasts. If the spermaceti wasn’t so valuable, we would probably have quickly given up. In the early days, hunting them with harpoons and arrows yielded very few kills. It took multiple hits and hits in the precisely right areas to kill the beast. And even then, if the whaler wasn’t careful, he would lose the dying beast in the chase that happened after the fatal blow was delivered. But what made the Sperm Whale so dangerous was that when it was attacked, it had the unfortunate tendency to attack back.

Like the Behemoth, the identity of the Leviathan is unknown. But we have our theories. Most seem to think that this animal is the crocodile, and I understand the attraction to that idea. But I think it is a Sperm Whale. I know, a Sperm Whale doesn’t have scales, but then at the time of Job, the Sperm Whale was a mythical beast to which no one got ever really wanted to get close enough to examine for scales (and neither the crocodile nor the Sperm Whale breathe fire (vs. 21), so we aren’t going to find a living example of this famed beast that matches exactly.) Rabbi Jonathan Bar Nappaha (3rd Century) writes this about the Leviathan –

"Once we went in a ship and saw a fish which put his head out of the water. He had horns upon which was written: 'I am one of the meanest creatures that inhabit the sea. I am three hundred miles in length, and enter this day into the jaws of the Leviathan'"

One Midrashic legend tells the story of Jonah and adds a note that on the day that the fish swallowed Jonah, the fish narrowly avoided being made a meal of by the Leviathan, which the Rabbi insists eats one whale each day. If it was a crocodile, it must have been a huge one.

But, whatever animal the Leviathan was, one thing is certain. It too was a creation of God, and while our arrows and spears may have had little effect on it, God still controlled the beast that he had created – just as he could approach the Behemoth with his sword.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Job 42

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