Sunday 8 January 2023

Then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said, "Get up and eat." – 1 Kings 19:5

Today's Scripture Reading (January 8, 2023): 1 Kings 19

Many years ago, I had a conversation with an evangelist known for altars that always seemed full of people repenting of their sins whenever he spoke. God seemed to be using him in a mighty way, but in the silence, he made an interesting admission. Yes, God was present, but this man of God felt that our society, including the Christian Church, had simply become too busy. And so, as he thought back over the altar calls that he had given, he knew that some came because there were things in their lives that needed to change. But he also recognized that some would often come every time an altar call was given, not because of sin in their lives but because they were physically and emotionally exhausted. He said, "More than another church service and another sermon, all some of these people need is a nap and a good meal." But instead, they press themselves to make one more meeting, and they become even more exhausted and more in need of sleep.

It was an interesting take. And I agree. But the church that I see in the 21st century is not as busy as the one that existed when I was growing up. We seem to have learned our lesson. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean we are more rested as a people. Our lives have probably gotten even busier outside of the church. Now we seem to struggle to find any time to spend either in private or corporate worship. And there might be nothing that we need more than time with God.

Elijah is depressed, but he is also exhausted. The Prophet has been on an emotional roller coaster that took him to the heights he experienced on Mount Carmel, to the depths of the knowledge that despite his Mount Carmel victory, he had not changed the minds of those in power. Elijah felt like a failure, and he was done. At this point, Elijah would have been the poster child for those who worry about men's mental health and depression. Elijah had nothing left; he was ready to give up and die.

God could have given him a pep talk in this moment. He had done it before with Elijah, giving him the knowledge that the Prophet needed for the next step of the process. God would do precisely that on a different mountain, Mount Horeb, not too long in the future. But, at this moment, God allows him to sleep and then commands him to get up and eat something. God understood that, at this moment, what his Prophet needed more than anything was rest and food. After he had gotten both of those things, the Creator would have a discussion with his creation. But, right now, that was not what was needed. Right now, God's prescription is restricted to rest and food. Everything else he needed would be delayed to a later moment and a different place. 

Tomorrow's Scripture Reading: 1 Kings 20

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