Tuesday 8 March 2022

These are the nations the LORD left to test all those Israelites who had not experienced any of the wars in Canaan. – Judges 3:1

Today's Scripture Reading (March 8, 2022): Judges 3

"It isn't the mountain ahead that wears you out; it is the grain of sand in your shoe." The quote is attributed to that great sage of the ages, Anonymous. But that does not mean that it isn't true. The great battles rarely wear us out; it is the small things that stay with us in good times and bad that create in us a bone-weary exhaustion. After all, for the great battles of life, the struggle allows the body to give us a surge of adrenaline that gives us the energy needed to meet the challenge. But for the small battles, that added boost is missing. Instead, the small battles often defeat us because they are ever with us, and from these struggles, we can find no relief.

Judges clearly states that some Canaanite nations were not pushed out of The Promised Land because of the disobedience of Israel. But others counties were left because God decided to leave them in Israel's path. And these nations were there to provide the struggle for future generations of Israelites. They would be the "pebble in the shoe" in Israel's existence. These countries would be left to provide a test for the generations of Israelites present in the nation who had not been part of the taking of the Promised Land. Israel's reality, then and now, is that its existence has never been without struggle. There have always been nations who existed around Israel who have worked hard against her existence. For Israel, a political struggle would always be a reality, so the people needed to be ready for the coming battle.

But it is also a reality of our Christian lives. Too often, we seem to believe that Christianity should exist without struggle. We should not be put down for our faith, and the laws of the nations should reflect what it is that we believe. But that is unrealistic and not reflected in the pages of scripture. If we want to live Christian lives, we will always have to be willing to push back against a culture that is determined to force us in a direction that we do not want to go or against detractors who question our right to exist. And we will have to fight with our desires to respond in a way that is not in keeping with our Christian faith and the way that our faith instructs us to live. The temptation will always be with us to cut corners and react in unchristian ways to the struggle of life.

And above that, we all have our lifelong personal battles with sin. These battles are our "pebbles in the shoe," which threaten to wear us out. I love the imagery of Pastor David Guzik as he speaks of this passage. Guzik reminds us that "No one likes the struggle against sin, but the battle is good for us. The symbol of Christianity is a cross, not a feather bed" (David Guzik, italics his).

Tomorrow's Scripture Reading: Judges 4

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