Tuesday 18 May 2021

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. – Hebrews 11:1

Today's Scripture Reading (May 18, 2021): Hebrews 11

Theologian C. S. Lewis said, "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." It is a great comment. As I write this, there are high clouds in the sky covering the sun, but that doesn't mean that the sun has left the sky. I know that is not true because, even with the clouds, the day is bright, and I can see without any problem. I may not be able to see the sun, but the evidence of the sun is all around me—faith functions in a similar way. I may not be able to see faith, but it colors the world around me.

We all live by faith of some sort. There are things that we cannot see that we believe are true because we see the evidence of what we cannot see. That is faith. You can have faith that everyone in the world is evil, and as a result of that faith, you will see a cruel world. I am convinced that racists are created by an act of faith. People believe that there is a difference between the races according to a belief developed on things that they cannot see, and as a result, that is precisely what they see in the world around them.

So, if I believe in the Christian faith, it is going to color my world. It starts by seeing value in every person because of the faith-based knowledge that we are created in the image of God. Regardless of your race or gender, or even your belief structures, faith says that you are of immense value; a statement that sometimes in stark contrast with the physical world that we see around us would argue the exact opposite. Faith allows the Christian to see purpose even in the face of chaos. It enables us to explain what is unexplainable. We are a people of faith.

But it is not blind faith or one that goes against reason. Christian faith extends beyond the reason we have developed from what we see with our eyes or feel with our hands, but faith continuously extends in the direction of reason. F. F. Bruce makes this comment about faith as described in Hebrews. "Physical eyesight produces a conviction or evidence of visible things; faith is the organ which enables people to see the invisible order."

Christian faith helps us to order our world. It is substantial. It allows us to have hope even amid the horrible reality that is revealed by our eyes. And Christian faith assures us that the future is still in God's hands. Pastor David Guzik sums up this passage in this way.

Faith does not contradict reason, though it may go beyond reason. One may objectively prove the Bible is the most unique book ever published and has impacted society more than any other book. But only faith can prove that the Bible is the Word of God. Therefore, this is a belief beyond reason but not in contradiction to reason or against reason.

So, go in faith.

Tomorrow's Scripture Reading: Hebrews 12

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