Thursday 25 October 2012

Not one of all the LORD’s good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled. – Joshua 21:45

Today’s Scripture Reading (October 25, 2012): Joshua 21

I have to admit that I have not always kept my promises. It is not that I ever intended not to keep the promise. Nor do I ever think that the promise was made without due consideration. But sometimes I have to admit that life has gotten in the way. I have gotten busy and simply forgot the commitment (admittedly my most common excuse) or I have found the task harder than I thought it was going to be at the outset. At any rate, the task was left undone and the promise remained broken. It is not a good feeling.

Joshua reminds that reader that the God of Israel was a God that kept his promises. But as is true with so much that is written in the book, he actually makes it sound a little easier than it actually was. While God kept his promises, because of Israel’s disobedience, it took God longer to keep the promises then maybe it should have. What is maybe a better statement about the promise keeping God is that God was persistent with them. God continually reminded Israel that he had guided them this far and, if they would only keep to the plan, God would continue to honor them. But even though Israel continually seemed to fall short of the plan, God also never left them.

The only thing that can keep God from keeping his promises to us is our own disobedience. But, for us, he is also a persistent God pursuing us in spite of our disobedience or shortcomings. And the promise still stands for us - if we conform to his plan (which we were designed for in the first place), then God will honor us. And I cannot think of a better place to be. But if we fall short of the plan, God will pursue us, reminding us that the future still starts with him.

We still serve a promise keeping God. My hope is that that means that he is making us into a promise keeping people. But, if I have made a promise to you, a reminder e-mail is never out of line. God may not need it, but if we are honest, sometimes I think that all of us could use a reminder of the commitments that we have made.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Joshua 22

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