Friday 6 July 2012

Moses said to the assembly, “This is what the LORD has commanded to be done. – Leviticus 8:5

Today’s Scripture Reading (July 6, 2012): Leviticus 8

Sometimes, one of the hardest things that we have to do is to give authority to someone else over things that we once had responsibility for – to give away the dream that we had carried for a while. And yet, at the same time, it is the healthy thing – the proper thing - that needs to be accomplished as our organizations grow. Often the limiting factor of leadership is found in our ability – or rather the lack thereof – to delegate responsibility. But as we hold tight onto our dream we become the factor that threatens to kill our vision of the future.

Jethro, Moses father-in-law, had already warned Moses of the danger of trying to do everything himself. But to be the leader that Israel needed, it was advice that Moses was going to have to put into practice. It would start with the arguments that Moses sat in judge over, but the implications went far beyond just that. Every aspect of national life had to be delegated to leaders that would take care of that responsibility.

So, this would be the last time that Moses would preside over a ceremony in tabernacle. It was one of the things that he had to delegate – in this case to his brother Aaron and his sons. This ceremony would consecrate them for the job and the torch would be passed. It was a big deal, and it needed to be celebrated that way.

Maybe that is one of the mistakes that I make – not remembering how big a deal it is when I delegate. Another mistake is that I often seem to forget what Moses knew, once a job was delegated, it was delegated. Moses walked away and left Aaron with the dream to be carried out the way that he – and God – saw fit. And Moses never looked back.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Leviticus 9

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