Tuesday 24 July 2012

I will break down your stubborn pride and make the sky above you like iron and the ground beneath you like bronze. – Leviticus 26:19

Today’s Scripture Reading (July 24, 2012): Leviticus 26

Sometimes, in the middle of the chaos that surrounds us when we live in houses with small children, we forget the purpose of raising the children. Often the purpose seems to become just making it through the day, or getting the child to eat the green vegetables that we have placed on their plates. But that was never the reason behind the why we bother. All of the struggles that we go through as we raise our children are for only one purpose – so that one day our children will be able to make decisions that will set them up well for life. We know that the day is coming when we will no longer be able to stand beside them and force them to follow the rules that we have set out for them. On that day, the decisions of life will be all theirs.

The discipline of God serves the same purpose. The Idea is that the God, who loves us, wants us to be able to make good decisions. And just like our children, we do not always understand the connection between the directions of God and our ability to live good lives – but also like our children, just because we do not see the connection does not mean that the connections does not exist.

As God speaks his message of discipline in this passage, he adds the phrase “I will break down your stubborn pride.” For God, and often for us as parents, pride becomes the real problem. Pride stops us from being able to learn. It says that we already know the best way. For us to be able to learn – and for our children to be able to learn – pride has to be broken.

And that is exactly what God decides to do. He will break the pride, not so that we are put into our place, but because we need to have the capability to learn. Because learning is essential to being able to live and enjoy life as God intended that we should.
Tomorrow’s  Scripture Reading: Leviticus 27

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