Saturday 28 November 2015

That is why the Israelites cannot stand against their enemies; they turn their backs and run because they have been made liable to destruction. I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction. – Joshua 7:12

Today’s Scripture Reading (November 28, 2015): Joshua 7

I am either a reluctant or a confused pacifist. I strongly believe that war only brings pain. And we repeat the pain as we increase the conflict. The history of the human race sometimes seems like it is nothing more than an extended conflict between the Hatfields and the McCoys orchestrated on a global level. As if ISIS wasn’t bad enough, it seems that Al Qaeda is offended and is stepping up their own operations. Islamic extremists kill thousands, the Western World returns the favor, and every life must be avenged. Russia’s president Putin calls for a global response against terrorism, and so the terrorist call for a response against the Group of Twenty (G20) - the elite economic nations of the world - and against NATO. Paris is under attack, followed by Mali and Brussels and a rumored plan against other cities and other nations. And it all just makes me want to yell “Stop.”

I am a reluctant or confused pacifist. And part of my problem is that I believe in the power of love. I think that love is both tangible and transforming. The history of love is that it has derailed military powers in the past, and it is the only thing that makes any sense for our future. And what I hate (and yes, I realize the strength of the word and the incompatibility of the thinking) is anything that takes away from love. I see the enemies of love everywhere, even within my own religion and my own church. And because of this, I have a choice. I can either cower in fear and let the love that I believe in be swept under the rug – or I can stand and face the enemies of love where ever I find them – even if I find them within my circle of friends. I think the second choice is the proper one. But that also brings a problem. If I am going to remain a prophet of love, then I cannot allow myself to get sucked into violence. If love is not the total answer, then love will never survive.

And I think that this is exactly what Joshua is saying. Israel cannot stand up against it enemies on the outside if it is unwilling to stand against its enemies on the inside. It isn’t enough to conquer those around you when there is a cancer inside that is threatening to conquer you. For Israel, If God was not the total answer, then God could not be the answer. And someone within the fellowship of Israel had become an enemy of God – and that needed to be handled before the nation could take a step forward. Sin had to be confronted – that was the only path to success.

What does all of this mean for a reluctant or confused pacifist? I wish I knew – except that for me today’s God answer has to be love. This is the truth of God that needs to be proclaimed. So when people want to bring more guns into the fight, that solution must be stood against. I am not against gun ownership, but is it impossible to see that increased weapons in terrorist situations only means increased death? Because once the shooting starts, then where exactly does it stop? How can I tell which are friendly and which or not – and if I am carrying a gun then how do they know my intentions? I get that this is not a popular stand to take right now, but if the answer is love (and I desperately believe that it is) then it must be only love – everything that is not devoted to love must be destroyed. In the words of Joshua, what is not devoted to love is devoted to destruction.

It is time to stop. Everything. It is time to say that I am sorry for offense given. I am sorry for words that have been spoken not in love. It is time to stop the pain. It is time to talk and to forgive and to love across our differences. Life is too valuable to react in any other way.

It is time for me to stand for love in every area of my life. I may be a reluctant or confused pacifist, but it is the belief in the power of love that keeps me that way. In the end I know that love wins.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Joshua 8

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