Monday 20 May 2013

However many years anyone may live, let them enjoy them all. But let them remember the days of darkness, for there will be many. Everything to come is meaningless. – Ecclesiastes 11:8

Today’s Scripture Reading (May 20, 2013): Ecclesiastes 11

In George Martin’s epic fantasy series “A Song of Ice and Fire” (The Game of Thrones), one of the repeated lines is that “words are wind.” As one person noted, you can’t repeat a phrase as often as this phrase is repeated in the series and expect that the reader is not supposed to take notice. Of course, the obvious meaning of the phrase is that actions speak louder than words. But the meaning of the phrase may even go deeper. In the epic series of books, it seems that everything is wind. Power is only for the moment; it passes from one person or group to another quickly. Life is short. Maybe one of the most disturbing elements of the series is Martin’s ability to kill off the very people that the reader is cheering for – and yet keep the reader reading. Words are wind, but it would seem that everything else is as well. Nothing lasts.

The Teacher continues his theme of meaningless – and sometimes the reader needs to be reminded that his premise that that everything is only a vapor and a breath – literally almost 3000 years ago The Teacher was stressing exactly what George Martin seems to want you to know – everything is wind.
And so The Teacher’s advice is enjoy the life that you have. If everything is really wind, then the reality is that this too shall pass; so find enjoyment in life where you can. He does not minimize the dark times of life, darkness will come. (For Martin these are other repeated themes of the series along with phrases like “dark wings, dark words” and the constant reminder that “winter is coming.”) But even the darkness should be enjoyed for what it is – simply a part of life.
Words are wind – and so is everything else. Or maybe the way the Teacher would phrase it is “Meaningless, meaningless, everything is meaningless.” But that does not mean that it can’t be enjoyed. Enjoy today – and the life that has been given to you.  

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 12

Personal Note: Happy Birthday Michelle

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