Wednesday 1 August 2012

“Speak to Aaron and say to him, ‘When you set up the seven lamps, they are to light the area in front of the lampstand. ’” – Numbers 8:2

Today’s Scripture Reading (August 1, 2012): Numbers 8

A current architectural feature of a number of contemporary churches is a lack of windows in the sanctuary area. The large stain glass windows of ages past, often with every section of window describing in pictures part of either the gospel story or the history of the church, are now long gone. The sanctuary is a dark place where only artificial light remains. And for some, the change has been a difficult one. A church without the sun shining through stained glass hardly seems to be a church. And yet more of us are going to worship in these windowless boxes.

The reason for the change is really two fold. One reason for the absence of stain glass windows is simply that they became too expensive to produce, and even more expensive to insure. And the colorful windows made too attractive targets for those who like to break things. But that was only part of the problem. The second reason, and possibly the more important one in the journey toward their demise, was that worship techs started to demand more control over the light that streamed in through the colored windows. And if there were no windows into the sanctuary, then they had complete control over the way the sanctuary was lit.

But what we missed was that this was not a new idea. When the plans came for the original tabernacle, they came with their own form of light control. The plans presented did not include any windows by design. The inside of the tabernacle would be in eternal darkness. It did not matter how bright the day was – none of that light would find its way into the sanctuary.

So lamps were necessary in order to light the sanctuary. Every day the priests would come in and light the flame from the fire that eternally burned before God. The only light that was allowed to shine in the sanctuary was light that had literally come from the place of God. Everything in the sanctuary had a purpose, and that purpose was to glorify and point to God. And that included even the light that was used in the sanctuary. The only light that was allowed would come from God – and point the way to praise God.
Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Numbers 9

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