Friday 24 August 2012

So we have brought as an offering to the LORD the gold articles each of us acquired—armlets, bracelets, signet rings, earrings and necklaces—to make atonement for ourselves before the LORD.” – Numbers 31:50

Today’s Scripture Reading (August 24, 2012): Numbers 31

Why do the innocent suffer? It has been one of the reigning questions from the very beginning of time. Why do those who have done nothing, or have not done much evil, seem to have to suffer with all of the rest of evil humanity. And the stock answer has always been sin – it is the sin that we commit that not only shapes our own lives, but shapes the lives of those around us as well. Suffering too often is the result of the wrong that we do. And sometimes it is tough to make the connection between the sin and the suffering.   But sometimes it is not.

So the soldiers had come to the priests to make atonement to God. The concept of atonement is the repaying or making amends for wrong that has been committed. Its presence alone is an admission of guilt. This was not giving to God his share of the plunder; it is not about the paying of a tithe. Wrong had been committed that needed to be atoned for – and evil that needed to be admitted. Scholars tend to look back a few verses to Moses accusation about the army letting the women live who had been instrumental in leading the men of Israel into sin, but it might be that the sin the soldiers stood needing atonement for happened much further back than that.

The reality is that while Israel had been tempted into sin, they did not have to give into the temptation. It may have been Balaam’s plan, hatched through the women of Midian that had lured Israel into sin, and therefore out of the protection of God, but the men of Israel also had to take their share of the blame. The temptation could have been resisted, and a lot of lives – both innocent and guilty – could have been saved.

Sin is never easily contained. Whenever we give into temptation, it always seems to take us beyond the current situation; causing damage to parts of our lives and the lives of others that we would have never dreamed was possible before we committed the wrong. And maybe that is the reason we are a people that seem to continually stand in need of atonement.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Numbers 32

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