Sunday 2 February 2020

Her leaders judge for a bribe, her priests teach for a price, and her prophets tell fortunes for money. Yet they look for the LORD’s support and say, “Is not the LORD among us? No disaster will come upon us.” – Micah 3:11

Today’s Scripture Reading (February 2, 2020): Micah 3

Money shapes the church. It shouldn’t, but it does. Sometimes I think that the popular belief is that the church is in control of vast amounts of wealth, but that is not true. For every ministry that could be considered affluent, there are probably more than a hundred who worry about being able to pay the utility bill next month. Money is an uncomfortable reality. The church can’t do what it does without it. And there are always people around who are willing to buy the message. Pastor, there’s an extra hundred in the offering plate if you will just (fill in the blank). Even in my ministry, and in this blog, there are moments when I ask if I can really say that? Can I teach that truth? And the problem is not that I don’t believe the truth, but that I will be harshly judged for making the statement.

Do you need some examples? I am not convinced that our end-times theology is right, and yet I live in a culture that seems to think that the idea of a rapture and an Antichrist are written in stone within the teachings of the Bible. I believe that Evolution vs. Creation is a false debate, and I have no idea how anyone thinks that the world is only 6000 years old. For me, the critical debate item falls in the first four words of Genesis – In the beginning, God. Was God involved in the creation of the universe, or did he sit on the sideline as everything was created? I don’t believe that evolution works outside of the presence of some power that guided the process. And there is no reason why God, who set everything in place, could not have used evolution as his tool in creating the world. Yet, I am surrounded by friends and acquaintances who believe that evolution is some kind of swear word and that this planet is only 6000 years old. One more? I believe that the church’s position on LGBTQ+ issues is overblown. There is something inside of us, and not inside of the Bible, that makes us react the way that we do toward the LGBTQ+ community. I believe that our job is to love. Judging is part of God does, and I am not God. But I live in a culture that has made the demonification the LGBTQ+ community a religious sporting event.

Each one of these positions has the potential to turn people away. Maybe that is the way you reacted to something in the above paragraph. I love discussing these issues, but let me make it clear. I am not a liberal (another Christian swear word). I believe in the Bible. But I also think that we have to try at least to understand the original intentions of the biblical writers before we can understand what their words mean for us today. I want the discussion, but it needs to be focused around what it is that the Bible says. The big question is, “Is that a conversation that we can have? Or would you rather me spout what it is that you already believe and leave you comfortably sitting in your own personal echo chamber?” Most choose the echo chamber.

Micah’s issue is that the pursuit of money has infiltrated his community. The judges give their ruling because they have been paid, not because of justice. The teachers teach whatever it is that the student wants to hear because money has been placed in their pockets. And the prophet prophecies a rosy future for the nation because they have been paid to prophesy in such a manner. No one is seeking after God. They just assume that God is on their side. But there is no objective reason to believe that that is true.

Truth is hard. But it is also worth the effort. We need to be spiritually and intellectually challenged so that we can discover the lies that we believe. We need to wrestle with the scripture, so that we can, in the process, find the living God. All of this is required if we are going to become more like Christ. But Micah watched as his nation consistently chose to do what they had been paid to do, instead of what God was telling them was right.    

(And I sincerely hope that I did not offend you.)

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Micah 4

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