Sunday 17 November 2013

Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of Zion, for great is the Holy One of Israel among you.” – Isaiah 12:6

Today’s Scripture Reading (November 17, 2013): Isaiah 12

In my youth I was a pretty obnoxious sports fan (trust me, I have mellowed.) But I remember, with more than a little embarrassment, the vocal character that I used to display when I was at the game. I loved to yell at the players, and the refs, sometimes even the other fans. And even when I was sitting quietly, I loved to listen to other obnoxious fans carrying on their conversation with those on the playing field (or on the ice.) But what was maybe a little odd was that other than at a sporting event, I was actually fairly quiet. It just seemed that part of the fun – and part of the expectation – at the game was to be loud.

At church, it was the exact opposite expectation. I grew up in a time when church, and maybe especially the sanctuary, was characterized by reverence. And reverence was quiet. Oh, there were times when the quietness was broken by and outburst of praise on behalf of someone, but for the most part church was the opposite of a sporting event.

But I wonder if a church service isn’t designed to be more like a sporting event than we realize. We cheer at a sporting event because we are passionate about the players or the team that has taken the field. We cheer for the city in which we live and for the University that we attended. We cheer for the teams that our kids - or our friends – play on. We cheer because we care – and the ones that we care about are in the house.

The same reason applies as to why the sanctuary should be loud. The one that we are passionate about is in the house. So make a joyful noise, shout and sing (and don’t worry about sounding good, just make a sound) because the Holy One is in our midst – and in the house.

Come, and make some noise.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Isaiah 13

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