Tuesday 30 August 2016

Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness. – Proverbs 16:31

Today’s Scripture Reading (August 30, 2016): Proverbs 16

I live in a youth-dominated culture. I am acutely aware that not every culture on the planet is youth oriented. A good friend of mine is from Africa, and Africa seems to need to be continually reminded of the value of youth. But in my culture, we need to be reminded of the value of age and experience. In fact, it is often a mixture of youth and age that provides the strength that we need. Both are essential to the way that we live and the culture that ultimately shapes us.

So Proverbs reminds us of the value of age (and, later, Paul in Timothy will remind us of the value of the youth side of the equation.) But the NIV also seems to be missing a word in the Proverb. Older translations have included the word “if” between the two clauses. Gray hair is a crown of splendor; if it is attained in the way of righteousness. Those two letters would seem to be incredibly important to the way that we interpret this verse. I know many people with gray hair that would appear to be a waste of space. They are bitter, and judgmental, and have very little to offer the generations that are coming after them. But when the gray hair is the natural result of a person’s faith and chasing after what is right, then they have a roadmap to give to the next generation. They will have the ability to allow the next generation to possess their own individual character, while at the same time guiding them into an honest lifestyle. This has always been the task of the older generations.

Do not overlook the older person in your midst and believe that they have nothing to add of value to your community. The truth is, especially if they have spent their lives in following righteousness, that their value is immeasurable – and their guidance on the path of righteousness will be greatly missed, something that we do not realize until they are no longer present with us.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Proverbs 17

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