Saturday 9 July 2016

Hushai replied to Absalom, “The advice Ahithophel has given is not good this time. – 2 Samuel 17:7

Today’s Scripture Reading (July 9, 2016): 2 Samuel 17

Delay in military strategy is often a disaster in waiting. A few days ago I mentioned some possible events that might have caused World War II to end differently. There are some others incidents in the war that also cost Hitler dearly. One of them was his hapless ally, Benito Mussolini. Mussolini suffered from illusions of grandeur. If Italy had remained neutral as Spain had, Hitler might have been successful. But instead, Hitler and Mussolini became allies. And in 1940, the great Mussolini had dreams of rebuilding the Roman Empire. In an effort to rebuild his Empire, he attacked Greece and Egypt. His army was large but inept and far outmatched by the eventual United States presence in Africa. As a result, the war went badly for Mussolini, forcing Hitler to commit forces that were desperately needed elsewhere to the task of freeing Italy from its troubles. The result was a delay in Russia (a front that was a mistake anyway, but an earlier attack might have benefited Hitler.) Instead, the delay meant that Russia and Britain had time to come up with a plan. In the end, Hitler really lost World War II in Russia; in order to overcome his disaster in Russia, he needed a miracle that never materialized.

Ahithophel advises Absalom to attack his father immediately. Hushai advises caution and delay. Of course, what Absalom does not know is that Ahithophel might be Absalom’s ally, but Hushai was actually a spy for David. As Hushai makes the case for caution, all he is really doing is trying to delay the attack and give David and his generals time to set up their defense. He knew he couldn’t stop the attack, but maybe delaying it would be good enough.

It is also interesting to note that Hushai does not totally contradict Ahithophel. Like political leaders today, he does not enter into an absolute discussion of Ahithophel’s military competence and he does not argue that Ahithophel is always wrong. It is hard to imagine Democrats or Republicans could believe that the other side might ever be right in their political wranglings. Hushai just cautions that this time, Ahithophel’s advice might be premature. Absalom needed to gather the tribes together before he attacked his father. After all, His father had experienced fighters with him. Strength would be key.

And the advice of Hushai turned out to be instrumental for David to win the conflict. Nothing Hushai said was wrong, but Ahithophel resembles Benito Mussolini in World War II. He may have been able to gather numbers, but experience plus time to set up a defense was all that David needed to win the war. Ahithophel’s army was inept. And all it took for a Davidic victory was a little delay.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Psalm 41

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