Saturday 17 November 2012

The Israelites went up to Bethel and inquired of God. They said, “Who of us shall go first to fight against the Benjamites?” The LORD replied, “Judah shall go first.” – Judges 20:18

Today’s Scripture Reading (November 17, 2012): Judges 20

Everything that I have learned in life I have learned from Spiderman – well, maybe not every lesson, but a lot of them. I feel sorry for those who have never immersed themselves in the comic saga of Peter Parker, because in the pages of those comic books are found numerous lessons for life. It is okay to be a wall flower, because Peter was. It is okay to be smart. I think most adults wonder at the statement while a lot of smart children know the pain of their intelligence – but Spiderman was smart. But maybe one of the biggest lessons was the first lesson, the one that Spiderman learned as he knelt beside his dying uncle. It was the lesson that pursued him all of his life and it was this – with great power comes great responsibility. The truth of Peter’s dying uncle was that Spiderman had the power to stop him from dying, but simply had decided not to bother. And nothing could take away that pain.

Sometimes I wonder why people aspire to lead. The repeated truth of life (and of the Bible) is that leaders have great power, and therefore bear great responsibility. It is never something that I have ever wanted to aspire to. And there are seldom lonelier moments than when we I have to don the role of the leader and step out and take responsibility for something that has to be done. I am never lonelier than in those moments where, as a leader, I have to confront someone whose behavior just is not measuring up. Those are not the moments that I look forward to as a leader.

Jacob (Israel) set the tribe of Judah up as the future leader of the nation. And there would be many glory days for the tribe of Judah, but there would also be the times of great responsibility. As the Tribe of Benjamin stood in need of being dealt with, it is the Tribe of Judah that God indicated must take the lead. They are the ones that must bring justice to the nation and confront their brothers who had committed sin against the nation. Judah must go first.

And later after Saul, another descendant of Benjamin, had ruled over Israel from Gibeah without respecting the things of God, it would once more be David and the tribe of Judah that would need to set things to right.

We are Christians. We are the followers of another member of the tribe of Judah. And as Christians we are chosen to lead, to bear the responsibility and set the world once more to right. We cannot abdicate our responsibility. It is time for us to lead and be about the task of restoration – no matter what it takes to get that job done. With great power comes great responsibility. Even Spiderman knew the truth of that.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Judges 21

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