Friday 11 August 2017

Esther had not revealed her nationality and family background, because Mordecai had forbidden her to do so. – Esther 2:10

Today’s Scripture Reading (August 11, 2017): Esther 2

Who are you – really? Certain characteristics in you are absolutely unchangeable. For better or worse – certain reactions are just part of who it is that we are and how we are made. As I was growing up, I wished that some of my reactions would change. But they didn’t. It is not a matter of right or wrong – and it definitely isn’t sin. God can help with both of those. But some neutral personality traits are just part of me – and there are some reactions in your life that are just part of you.

Because the traits are part of us – they also betray us even we are a trying to hide them. Esther was a Jew. It was her identity – her nationality. And it was her family background. She had been brought up in the culture – and the people that were important to her reflected that culture. It was there even though it wasn’t being revealed. Her nationality had helped shape who she was at the core. It wasn’t something from which she would simply be able to walk away.

Part of emotional health is just coming to term with who we are – and using our identity to help shape our lives. We need to recognize the good and the bad of where we came from – it has shaped us and understanding that will allow us to move into the future with health and with confidence. It was a journey that Esther was about to have to make.

When we recognize our past – it can’t hurt us. It really can’t. Embrace who you are on the inside.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Esther 3

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