Sunday 2 October 2016

Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” For it is not wise to ask such questions. – Ecclesiastes 7:10

Today’s Scripture Reading (October 2, 2016): Ecclesiastes 7

French Novelist Marcel Proust wrote “Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were.” One of the surprising facets of life is that we seem to spend so much time between our yearning for a past that never was what we remember it to be and a longing for a future that will never live up to our hopes. And between those two endeavors, we miss the beauty of what is going on in our lives right now.

I am convinced that this is one of the essential messages of the biblical story. The Bible is about the importance of what I like to call the “eternal now.” We can mourn yesterday, but there is absolutely nothing that we can do to change it. We can look forward to tomorrow, but it never actually arrives the way that we hope, and it passes much too fast. But the one thing that we can do is make the most of today. Today is a gift that has given to us. It is our privilege to live in this eternal now. This “now” is where we have the ability to affect change and make a difference. In fact, it is the only place where we possess that ability.

A church growth expert once remarked to me that the majority of the Christian Church in North America is perfectly placed for 1950’s. But hidden in the comment was the sure knowledge that the 1950’s are never coming back. The challenge that we face is being part of what God has for us at this moment in time, nothing else really matters.

Solomon understood this. The past was neither as good nor as bad as we remember. But it is only fools that spend their time on things that they cannot change. The wise have disciplined themselves to make the most of this moment. And to make the most of the people that are journeying with us at this time. Sometimes I wonder if the people with us know how valuable they are to us in this “eternal now.” I hope we have let them know.

Thank you for coming with me at this moment. Know that I appreciate everyone who bothers to read these words in the eternal now of our lives. Thanks for deciding to walk together through this journey with me. Because we really do need each other.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 8

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