Wednesday 19 October 2016

At that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah and said to him: “Because you relied on the king of Aram and not on the LORD your God, the army of the king of Aram has escaped from your hand. – 2 Chronicles 16:7

Today’s Scripture Reading (October 19, 2016): 2 Chronicles 16

A story is told of a young man who decides to go on a walk in the country. It has been a good week. His new job is taking off. His girlfriend has agreed to marry him. Everything in his world is utterly right. As he walks along the side of the road, it is these good things that occupy his mind. The path he has taken turns into a forest and then out along a cliff edge that reveals a grand vista of the countryside. But the young man barely notices. It is the good things in his life that occupy his mind.

Then it happens. No one is sure if the young man simply walked too close to the edge or if maybe he hit a loose patch of gravel that stole his balance and started him spinning toward the edge, but the young man finds himself going over the side of the cliff. On his way down, he grabs a bush that has anchored itself into the cliff face. And there, he hangs.

 His first response to the situation is to yell for help, but the place is remote, and no one is close enough to hear him. The man begins to sweat, his hold on the bush starts to slip. He has to get himself out of this predicament. Finally, almost as a last resort, he begins to pray.

“God, can you help me get out of this?”

An unexpected voice answers the young man’s query “Yes.”

The young man looks around. “Who is that? Can you help me?”

Again the voice speaks “Yes, just let go.”

The man is confused. To let go would be to fall hundreds of feet into the valley below; most definitely the fall would kill him. “Is this some kind of a joke?” the man asks.

“No joke,” the voice returns. “You requested my help, and I am here to help you. Now, let go.”

“Who is this?” the man asks.

“God, let go.”

“Are you sure.”

“I am sure. I will catch you. Let go.”

“But that is not the way that God works. He won’t catch me.”

“You barely know what I would do and not do. If you need to understand more about the logistics of what is going to happen, there is a narrow ridge just below your feet. Yes, the ledge is small, but I will keep you on it. And from that ledge, you can climb back up to the path that you were walking on. But it all begins with you letting go. So let go."

The young man considers the words of God. And then he looks up to heaven, “God?”


“Is there anyone else up there I can talk to?”
Sometimes the logic of God is not apparent to us. Too often we are the man on the ledge. Asa was a good king. But he didn’t always seem to understand the plans of God. In his present situation, Asa was the man hanging over the cliff face. And God was telling him to “let go.” But ‘letting go’ didn’t make any sense to Asa. To Asa, it was entirely obvious what the path was that needed to be followed. And a treaty with the King of Aram was part of that path. It would cost Asa money, but the result would be worth the investment. And so Asa decides not to “let go.”

Hanani, the seer, is tasked with the job of telling the King where he went wrong. But Asa still can’t see it. The ledge beneath his feet was nothing more than a myth. In this case, he was sure that he was right and God was wrong. And whenever we make that decision, we are the ones who stand in error. Oh, and no, there is no one else up there that we can go to for a second opinion.
Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: 2 Chronicles 17

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