Saturday 18 June 2016

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. – Psalm 119:11

Today’s Scripture Reading (June 18, 2016): Psalm 119:1-48

The case of Brock Turner is simply tragic. And maybe that is why it remains as a headline. Brock Turner, probably better known as “The Stanford Rapist,” has thrown away his life for what his father has called “twenty minutes of action.” Dad maintains that it is a steep price to pay for that twenty minutes of fun, and there is probably no one that would disagree with that. But here is the problem. For Turner, it was twenty minutes. For his victim, it is much longer, and maybe even a lifetime of problems that lay just ahead. Twenty minutes caused much irreparable damage. It was only twenty minutes, but that twenty minutes has ruined two lives, thrown two families into an emotional crisis that they knew only in their nightmares before this time, it has cost the judge in the case the respect in the eyes of people and has colored the way that people view an elite university. And all of this happened in just twenty minutes.

But I might go a step further. It happened because there seems to be no place where Brock Turner set the limits of how far he would go and what he wanted his life to really stand for. He is a product of our culture which seems to teach us to grab as much fun as we can and worry about the consequences later. The problem is that it is like buying a car without ever asking about the price, or even what the payments might be. By the time we drive it home and get into an accident with it, it is too late to decide whether we are really willing to pay the price.

I am frustrated that the Christian Church often follows this same course. We never think about the consequences of our actions. We follow what we have heard, but have often put much too little thought into the process. The psalmist’s solution to the problem is a simple one. I have hidden God’s word inside of me. I have internalized what God has said. When the situations of life arise, I don’t have to wonder about which path is the right one; I know. No one can take it away from me because it is inside of me.

I once heard a pastor teach about spending time with Christians in China. And one of the stories that he told was about standing in a room filled with Christian leaders, and as he read the Bible he noticed the lips of the faithful moving. They had memorized the text and hidden it away where no one would be able to take it away from them. And they had hidden the word away where it could inform their behavior. Sometimes I have to admit that I believe that our behavior is informed more by Facebook than God’s word, probably because we spend more time on Facebook than we spend wrestling with what God says in the Book that he has given to us.

Hide God’s word in your heart – and then when trouble and temptation strike you will at least know which path is right. Of course, whether you decide to follow that right path is a totally different question.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Psalm 119:49-96

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