Thursday 10 April 2014

King Nebuchadnezzar, To the nations and peoples of every language, who live in all the earth: May you prosper greatly! – Daniel 4:1

Today’s Scripture Readings (April 10, 2014): Daniel 4

Don’t tell anybody, but I sometimes feel sorry for Barak Obama. The 44th President of the United States latest approval numbers are edging higher, but still remain in negative territory. And it seems that every crisis the President has had to face in his presidency has been a major one – minor conflicts need not apply. I am also convinced that the President is less different from those who went before him than he, or the Democratic Party, or the Republican Party wish to admit. The reality is that the famous checks and balances of the United States – and most democratic nations – leave very little space available in which the leader can act. And if everything in the nation is going great, probably the President has less to do with that than many will admit. And during tough times, the blame belongs less with the President than his critics are ever willing to admit.

Having said all of that, I do understand the depth of angst that surround the discussions that hover around the President of the United States. The POTUS has been considered, at least at times over the past decade, as a saint by the left and a demon by the right. And sometimes the obvious just has to be stated – he is neither. But could you imagine a book being written on the subject of the great influence of the Republican Party (The Grand Old Party) on the politics of the United States – and also their impact on the politics of the world. In the book you would find writings by and about the Great Republicans of the past. There would even be mentions of Republicans that did not shine the way that the Grand Old Party would have wished that they did. Over all, the book would be a positive – but also a balanced – look at Republican politics. And in the middle of the book is a chapter written by – Barak Obama. I know, the chapter just would not seem to fit. After all, it was the Republicans that have done the most to demonize Obama.

And yet, that is exactly what Chapter Four of Daniel represents. This is a chapter written by someone who is not a Jew, and is actually demonized in many places of the Hebrew Bible. The chapter is written by the Babylonian invader, Nebuchadnezzar. The same Nebuchadnezzar that was responsible for destroying Jerusalem, totally demolishing the Temple, and taking the people of Judah away from their homeland and into exile. Daniel four has to be one the most unexpected chapters in literary history.

But the chapter exists. And it exists as a testimony of the Babylonian King in support of the God of Israel. Proving that God has the ability to reach into every corner of the earth – and that all of the people of the earth really do belong to him.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Readings: Daniel 5

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