Sunday 13 April 2014

He gave me this explanation: ‘The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it.’ – Daniel 7:23

Today’s Scripture Reading (April 13, 2104): Daniel 7

On August 6, 1945, a uranium gun-type fission bomb was detonated over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Three days later a second bomb, this time a plutonium implosion-type fission bomb was detonated over the Japanese city of Nagasaki. Most people do not realize that there were subtle, but very real differences in the way that the two bombs were constructed. We simply think of the bombs under the general title of “Nuclear Weapons.” And the reason for this is that although the two bombs were different, they were both very different from any other weapons that had been ever used. This was a new kind of bomb, a new kind of power.

August 6 and 9, 1945, are the only times in the history of the world that weapons such as these have ever been used. At the time, the use of the weapons were seen as the only real way of defeating Japan and ending the war in the Pacific. The island nation was well guarded by nature, and the casualties that would be caused by a traditional military assault on the nation would have been too high to consider. And yet, with the fall of Germany and Italy in the war in Europe, only Japan was left to fight against the United States and her allies. The total destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki brought Japan to the negotiating table in an effort to sue for peace. While the official date of the surrender of Japan to the allied forces is September 2, 1945, the Japanese actually surrendered unconditionally on August 14, 2014 – only five days after the bombing of Nagasaki.

The moral questions with regard to the use of Nuclear weapons in Japan have been asked ever since the bombs were dropped, and we seem no closer to an answer. Hiroshima is regarded as a city of peace today, and its mayor serves on a council of mayors who are dedicated to seeing the Nuclear Weapon arsenal of the world totally eliminated by 2020.

Many theories have abounded as to the identity of the nation Daniel describes in this chapter. This strange description of a nation of with ten horns has caused many different interpretations. But the key is that this nation was to head an empire like none had ever seen before. This kingdom would be different – and much more powerful than any of the ones that had preceded it. This empire would be as different to the nations that went before as the bombs that were used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were when they were compared to the bombs that had been used in Japan in the weeks leading up to the August attack. This empire was different – and much more destructive.

Some of the nation empires that have been suggested as a fulfillment of this prophecy are the European Union, the Turkish Empire and even the Roman Empire. Of the possible fulfillments, I think I like the theory this fourth beast was Roman Empire, especially the Roman Empire after the fourth century, because after the fourth century Rome began to be controlled by the Christian Church – and the hates and fears of the Christian Church. Rome then began to crush not just physically, but spiritually and morally. Let me make this clear, this was not our finest hour – we (the Christian Church) did things that should never have done and we were involved in things that we should never have been involved in. We had forgotten that we needed to follow Christ, and in that we became like an anti-Christ.

But there is a warning here in Daniel’s prophecy. The warning is this – whenever we are involved in crushing others, we are not fulfilling with will of God. We are resembling the fourth beast in Daniel’s prophecy – and becoming not like Christ, but an anti-Christ.    

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Daniel 8

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