Saturday 7 April 2012

Mortals put an end to the darkness; they search out the farthest recesses for ore in the blackest darkness. – Job 28:3

Today’s Scripture Reading (April 7, 2012): Job 28

I am a bit of a science fiction fan. I love to watch/read fiction about adventures searching out the vast unknown. Some people question the things that I read; after all it just isn’t real. But somehow our species is born with an incredible curiosity. We want to know. We want to search as far we can to try and find the answers. I am probably one of the few people that sees value in NASA and its space missions. In fact, I think that we are not that far away from needing to have an economical way to get into space in order to begin to mine the things that we need, but are running out of on earth. Space is the next place that we have to conquer.
- D
A few months ago I had a great conversation with a friend over the practicality of having a permanent manned colony on Mars. And again, as we struggle with the overpopulation of the earth we need to find some alternatives. It is quite possible that all of this is just a science fiction fantasy that can never become a reality. But then again, maybe in the not too distant future we can make it all work.

As a race, we have had a history of doing what we thought, not too far into the past, was impossible. We struggle to know what we don’t know. We search for what we find to be valuable. And yet we often don’t seem to put the same kind of effort into the search for the things of God.

The interlude in Job struggles with the thought that we will fight to find the temporal things of life, and yet we seem to not care about finding God’s mercy and God’s grace. We search for the temporary while leaving the eternal things of God on the shelf.

I am deeply curious. It is not wrong to want to find the things that this life has to offer. We are designed to want to grab hold of whatever we can that exists on the earth and under the earth and even in the space that surrounds the earth. But we can’t stop there. We also need to put the same effort into finding wisdom – especially the wisdom that comes from God. Because there is nothing more valuable than the things that God wants to share with us.  

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Job 29

Note: The VantagePoint Community Church message "The Price of Following - Discipleship and the Cross" is now available on the VantagePoint website. You can find it here 

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