Saturday, 13 July 2024

To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. – Revelation 3:7

Today's Scripture Reading (July 13, 2024): Revelation 3

Jesus starts his letter to the Philadelphian Church by telling the recipient who he is; he tells the church this letter is from the one who is holy and true and who holds the keys of David. Jesus tells them, "I am the one who is holy; I am set apart." 

As he remembers his call into ministry, Isaiah says that he saw the Lord sitting on a throne. And the angels cried out, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, and the earth is filled with his glory." Isaiah was afraid. "I am ruined," he exclaimed. It is our reaction when we come into the presence of the Holy One. We don't measure up. We can't.

I love the honesty in Peter's reaction when he was called to follow Jesus. Sitting in Peter's boat, Jesus had been teaching from the water's edge. After he had finished speaking to the crowd, he told Peter to row out into the water and catch fish. Peter hadn't caught anything all night. By now, the time for fishing was long gone. Because Jesus was the one who asked, he said yes. I suspect Peter said "yes" in the same way that sometimes people respond to my request. I really don't want to, but because you are the Pastor, okay.

But, on this day, Jesus was about to show this fisherman he was different. Jesus was the Holy One; he was set apart and distinct. Today, Peter would catch so many fish that the net would begin to break. Peter looked at the rabbi and realized that Jesus was so much more than just a teacher. I think Peter realized deep in his heart that this was the Holy One sent from God, and he said, "Get away from me, for I am a man of unclean lips."

We often talk about Jesus being our friend and our brother and God being our father. I wonder if sometimes we forget that they are also the holy ones, the set-apart ones, and they are different from us. God is holy by himself; I am holy only as he moves through me. So, Jesus says I am the Holy One.

But he also says I am the true one. They are not words we handle well in our society. Whenever I hear the word truth, I hear the voice of Pontius Pilate in the 70s rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar," spouting the philosophy of our generation. "What is truth? Is this some unchanging law? We both have truths, are mine the same as yours" (Tim Rice, Jesus Christ, Superstar)?

Not only is Jesus the Holy One, but He is the objective, unchanging truth. We Christians will get nowhere until we realize this fact about Jesus. In him, there is no "What is truth for you is not necessarily truth for me." Jesus said my followers will hear me, know my voice, and obey. They will find truth in me.

Jesus says, I am holy and true and hold the key of David. The final phrase speaks of his authority to do. One ultimate truth is that Jesus can open and shut doors, and we don't have the power to go against his authority.

Tomorrow's Scripture Reading: Revelation 4



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