Monday 9 October 2017

“How many loaves do you have?” he asked. “Go and see.” When they found out, they said, “Five—and two fish.” – Mark 6:38

Today’s Scripture Reading (October 9, 2017): Mark 6
Sigmund Freud in “Civilization and its Discontents” wrote that “Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.” Maybe more precisely, what we want is freedom that is divorced from responsibility, which, of course, is impossible. Maybe one of the most prominent areas where this is true is in our personal finances. We want the freedom to spend our money as we would want to without accepting any responsibility for the lack that might result as a direct consequence of our spending. True freedom always comes with responsibility. When we have become truly responsible for our own actions, it is at that moment that we are truly free.

But the problems of our world are often much bigger than it is possible for any amount of freedom or responsibility to care. And, sometimes, the problems are just too big for us to comprehend. Hurricanes hit, and the resulting disaster is too much for us. Famine, war, and other societal ills are significant issues for which we do not have all of the solutions. However, our lack of answers should never stop our response. God never asks us whether we have all of the resources that we need to fulfill our responsibilities, but rather whether we are using what we do have to solve the world’s problems.

As Jesus teaches, the disciples become concerned that the people are becoming hungry and need to eat. For the disciples, this is a problem. And so they go to Jesus to ask him to send the people away so that they can feed themselves. It is the logical solution to the problem. But Jesus has a different idea. The disciples will feed them. Of course, the problem is much too big for the disciples to take care of themselves. But that isn’t what Jesus has in mind. His question is basically this – “What is it that you have in your hands? What do you have in your possession? Give me that. And I promise that that will be enough.

This is our responsibility – to use what we have to attack the problems of our culture. And what we have in our hands is multiplied many times over by the one in whom we place our faith. Because in the presence of God, five loaves and two fish are always enough to feed the multitude.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Matthew 14

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